Page 4 - MEOG Week 06 2023
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       QatarEnergy seen joining the

       fold as Iraqi gas talks continue

       The Qatari firm’s potential entry comes as talks
       with TotalEnergies have become increasingly tense

        IRAQ             QATARENERGY appears set to continue its  deal with QatarEnergy be agreed.
                         international upstream expansion, with the   Abdul Karim, who previously held the same
                         head of a state-owned Iraqi firm saying the  position at the state-owned Iraqi Drilling Co.
       WHAT:             company would join a major project alongside  (IDC), said: “Qatar is one of the promising and
       QatarEnergy recently   TotalEnergies. The comments follow the Qatari  developed countries in this regard … we deter-
       joined the French   company’s entry into the Lebanese offshore a  mine our percentage as an Iraqi country, and the
       company in a project to   few days earlier, again with TotalEnergies, while  rest is for Total[Energies] and QatarEnergy.”
       explore for gas offshore   negotiations between Baghdad and the French   He added: “I don’t expect more than 20-25%,
       Lebanon.          firm have become tense amid a stand-off over the  [but] they are talking about 30%. The important
                         multi-billion-dollar project.        thing for us is to set our share … Iraq is talking
       WHY:                TotalEnergies denied reports by Iraq Oil  about 40%.”
       Tensions have heightened   Report that its foreign staff had been withdrawn   The Qatari firm broadly specialises in off-
       between Baghdad and   from Iraq, and though there appears to have  shore gas production and liquefaction, which
       TotalEnergies over the   been little credibility to the rumours, the reports  have enriched the tiny peninsular nation. Nei-
       Iraqi government’s stake   highlight the rift between the two parties that  ther QatarEnergy nor TotalEnergies have yet
       in a potential $27bn   have been negotiating terms to allow the project  commented on the reports. Middle East Oil &
       project that they have   to proceed since mid-2021.    Gas (MEOG) was told this week by several Iraq
       been working on since                                  analysts that while reducing the French firm’s
       2021.             Basra buy-in                         exposure to risk in the country may be seen as
                         Speaking to Reuters on February 1, Bassem  a means to expedite the deal, issues around the
       WHAT NEXT:        Abdul Karim, director-general of the Basra Oil  ownership structure are likely to persist.
       Ultimately, Baghdad   Co., said that he anticipated that the state-owned
       needs the project to go   Qatari company would acquire a minority share-  Total recall
       ahead and may find itself   holding in a broad project, which is expected to  Various reports emerged over the past week that
       on the back foot as it   require an initial investment of around $10bn.  the IOC had pulled its foreign out of Iraq as it
       seeks slow the tide of   The 25-year project, which targets an increase  struggles to reach a resolution with Baghdad
       international companies   of 125,000 barrels per day of oil from the Artawi  over the terms of the 2021 deal. The withdrawal
       leaving the country.  oilfield, 600mn cubic feet (17mn cubic metres)  was first reported by Iraq Oil Report, with Iraqi
                         per day of gas, 1,000 MW of solar energy and  MP Mustafa Jabbar Sanad writing on Twitter
                         5mn bpd of seawater supply, is eventually seen  that staff had been asked to leave the country
                         being valued at up to $27bn.         in order to ‘obstruct’ negotiations, with local
                           The French super-major had been expected  employees asked to work from home.
                         to hold a 60% stake in the project, with BOC tak-  However, while TotalEnergies remained
                         ing on the remainder; however, this share looks  silent on the rumours between January 30 and
                         likely to be reduced to around 35-40%, should a  February 2, it said a day later that its staff had

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