Page 8 - MEOG Week 06 2023
P. 8

MEOG                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Russia’s Lavrov in Baghdad to

       discuss oil company payments

        IRAQ             RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was  Washington this week. He said the goal is to pro-
                         in Baghdad this week to focus on how the latter  tect Iraqi banks and the central bank from sanc-
                         might pay Russian companies working in Iraq  tions. “There are sanctions in place that should
                         while avoiding US sanctions. The two countries  not be imposed on the Iraqi side because the
                         considered what alternative currencies might be  co-operation with Russian companies is contin-
                         used instead of the US dollar.       uing and there are active Russian companies in
                           Discussions with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad  Iraq,” he said.
                         Hussein also covered energy and food security   The US Federal Reserve in late 2022 imposed
                         in light of the international sanctions levelled  tight regulations on international dollar trans-
                         against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine a year  actions by Iraqi banks, an issue to be discussed
                         ago.                                 in Washington. The steps taken by the Federal
                           The ensuing war has brought not only sanc-  Reserve are reported to have blocked nearly
                         tions upon Russia and those doing business with  80% of Iraqi dollar transfers outside its borders.
                         it, but energy prices have soared and countries  According to the US, the measures were neces-
                         like Iraq that look to Russia as a source of food  sary to make Baghdad comply with sanctions in
                         have faced food insecurity.          force against a number of countries, particularly
                           A large number of Russian oil and gas execu-  Iran.
                         tives accompanied Lavrov to Iraq, where Russia   Since the steps taken by the Federal Reserve,
                         has a lengthy oil industry and political history.  the value of the Iraqi dinar has declined and
                         Iraq’s oil reserves are some of the biggest in the  Baghdad is said to be looking into using another
                         world and Russian companies like Rosneft,  currency to conduct international transactions,
                         Lukoil, Bashneft and GazpromNeft have been  such as the Chinese yuan or Emirati dirham.
                         involved in developing those resources for dec-  “In the current conditions of United States
                         ades. It is estimated that Russian interests have  currency restrictions upon our two countries, it
                         in excess of $10bn invested in the Iraqi oil and  is important to protect legitimate economic rela-
                         gas sectors.                         tions from pressure from the West by switching
                           Iraq is in a situation where it owes large  to paying for oil supplies in the currencies of
                         amounts of money to Russia, but risks running  other reliable countries,” Lavrov said.
                         foul of sanctions if payments are made in dollars   Meanwhile, Iraqi oil production during the
                         or euros.                            month of January declined by 100,000 barrels
                           “There is a vital role for the Russian oil com-  per day to 4.331mn bpd, according to the State
                         panies in investing and working in the oil and gas  Organization for Marketing Oil (SOMO). The
                         sector,” Hussein was quoted by Reuters as saying.  marketing firm said bad weather at its Basrah oil
                         “These companies have dues and we discussed  terminal had restricted loading operations. Iraqi
                         how to deal with them.”              crude exports for January totalled 3.624mn bpd,
                           Fuad added that he would discuss with US  including those from the Kurdistan Regional
                         officials how to pay the Russians when he visits  Government (KRG)-controlled areas.™

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