Page 13 - MEOG Week 06 2023
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       GAS                                 Israel,” he said during a parliamentary panel   Government (KRG) in 2007 and established
                                           on the fund. Israel and neighbouring Egypt   The Kurdistan Gas Project.
       NewMed predicts gas boost           signed a memorandum of understanding   KURDISTAN24
                                           with the European Union last year to supply
       for sovereign wealth fund           the bloc with gas, as it seeks to diversify away   SERVICES
                                           from Russia.
       Israel’s NewMed Energy forecast on Tuesday   REUTERS
       that the country’s nascent sovereign wealth                              PSEEZ accounting for 1/3
       fund will get a 52bn shekel ($15 billion)   Dana Gas increases
       injection in the coming decade from its two                              of Iran hard currency
       main natural gas fields.            Kurdistan production
         NewMed Energy CEO Yossi Abu said that                                  generation
       the company, which is the largest stakeholder   Dana Gas, a Petroleum business company, in
       in the Leviathan offshore gas project, is also   a statement on Wednesday, announced the   The CEO of the Pars Special Economic Energy
       promoting plans for a liquefied natural gas   increase of its production in the Kurdistan   Zone (PSEEZ) stated that more than one-
       (LNG) terminal to boost exports.    Region for the last year by 1%.      third of the country’s hard currency income
         “From today until 2033, an amount of    “Revenue rose 17% to AED 1.94 billion   is provided by the Zone, and said: “More than
       about 52 billion shekels will accumulate   ($529mm) in 2022 compared to AED 1.66   $11 billion was exported from this region
       in the wealth fund just from the Tamar   billion ($452mm) in 2021 due to higher   in the first 10 months of the current Iranian
       and Leviathan reservoirs,” Abu told a   realized prices and production output in the   calendar year which began on March 21,
       parliamentary panel, referring to Israel’s two   Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) [Kurdistan   which has increased by about 50% compared
       largest natural gas fields.         Region of Iraq],” the statement reads.  to the same period last year.
         Israel found huge gas deposits in the   The Kurdistan Region production   Sakhawat Asadi said on Wednesday that
       eastern Mediterranean over a decade ago and   increased by 1% to 34,300 barrels of oil   nearly $150 billion has been invested in
       major production began in 2013.     equivalent per day (BOEPD) in 2022,   the PSEEZ, stating: “More than 70% of the
         Its sovereign wealth fund kicked off last   according to the statement.  country’s gas and nearly 50% of petrochemical
       year, after lengthy delays, with the aim of   In the second half of the year, the Khor   products is produced in this area.”
       insulating an overheated currency from the   Mor facility in the Kurdistan Region   More than $11 billion were exported from
       sudden expansion in national wealth due to   completed further plant de-bottlenecking   the region in the first 10 months of this year,
       a windfall from gas sales. The fund, which   enhancements, the statement added.  which has increased by about 50% compared
       is bankrolled by a special tax on those sales   “The plant’s production capacity increased   to the same period last year.
       and will be managed by The Bank of Israel,   by 50 MMscf/d [Million standard cubic feet   The PSEEZ CEO continued: “Despite
       was set up in 2014 and was supposed to start   per day] to 500 MMscf/d.  Gas production   all the bottlenecks and cruel sanctions, 26
       operating in 2018, but political turmoil and a   reached this new record of 500 MMscf/d on   projects in the upstream and downstream
       slower stream of revenue held it up.   14 January which will have a positive impact   sectors of the oil industry with an investment
         Analysts believe the fund will invest in   on production and revenues in 2023,” per the   of $21 billion are being implemented in
       assets such as stocks and corporate bonds on   statement.                PSEEZ, which are progressing from 10 to
       international markets, with profits gradually   “In 2022, we managed to optimize our   80 percent, and this investment is done
       being brought back into Israel.     assets in the KRI, reaching record levels of   through finances and the participation of
         NewMed is partners with Chevron and   production and increasing capacity by a   domestic banks. These 26 plans include five
       Ratio in Leviathan, which supplies gas to   further 50 MMscf/d following the completion   300,000-barrel refineries, seven PDH plans,
       Israel, Jordan and Egypt through a network of   of a by-pass project,” Patrick Allman-Ward,   three olefin, methanol, urea, and ammonia
       pipelines. The partners have been examining   CEO of Dana Gas, said.     plans, etc.” Esadi said: “This year we hosted
       ways to expand gas exports, and Abu said the   Dana Gas is the Middle East’s first and   delegations from China and Russia that visited
       hope is to start liquefying it too.  largest regional private-sector natural gas   PSEEZ and negotiations were held for the
         “We are working around the clock as   Company which was founded in 2005.   development of some fields and we hope that
       Leviathan partners to develop an independent   Dana Gas and Crescent Petroleum made   these negotiations will come to a conclusion.”
       LNG export facility to export natural gas from   an agreement with the Kurdistan Regional   SHANA

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