Page 12 - MEOG Week 06 2023
P. 12

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

                                                                                sanctions are lifted and would continue
                                                                                purchases from Russia if prices “continue to
                                                                                be good”.
                                                                                Basra Sky completes

                                                                                historic export of VGO from

                                                                                Basra Sky Oil & Gas Service made history by
       removal of barriers to commercialization,   Kurdistan has resumed oil export to Turkey,   being the first company to export VGO from
       provision of work clothes, implementation of   suspended due to powerful earthquakes that   Iraq. Maziar Rajabi, the company’s board
       data transmission projects in the pipeline bed   hit the country earlier this week, Rudaw tv   member and regional manager for the MENA,
       (PLT), safety netting operation system (PSD)   reported on Tuesday, citing the ministry’s   states on December 28, 2022, that the Basra
       and localization of tools.          statement.                           Sky production facility in Khor al Zubair,
       SHANA                                  According to the report, the flow of oil   southern Iraq, successfully shipped 6000 tons
                                           through the Kurdistan-Turkey pipeline   of VGO (vacuum gas oil) to Al Hamriya Port
                                           resumed on Tuesday evening.          in the UAE.
       OIL                                    On Monday, a massive 7.8 magnitude   The vessel that Basra Sky chartered was
                                           earthquake with several powerful aftershocks,   called MT Dania and was loaded with 6000
       Turkey suspends operations          followed by another earthquake, rattled parts   tons of VGO (vacuum gas oil) at Khor al
                                           of Turkey, toppling thousands of homes
                                                                                Zubair port, which is directly connected to
       at Ceyhan                           and killing over 5,500 and injuring more   the Basra Sky facility. After cargo arrived at Al
                                           than 34,500 people. Following devastating
                                                                                Hamriya Port, they were stored in the Basra
       Operations at Ceyhan, a major oil export   earthquakes, the ministry announced the   Sky Storage facility in Hamriya Free Zone.
       terminal on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast,   suspension of oil exports to Turkey due to   Maziar stated that this VGO shipment
       were on February 6 suspended amid a   security reasons.                  marked the introduction of a new product to
       declared national state of emergency as a   SPUTNIK                      the UAE market, adding that the new supply
       precaution as the country came to terms                                  flow from Iraq to Gulf countries would make
       with the two huge, deadly earthquakes that   Benchmarks extend gains;    Basra Sky’s product unique.
       struck its southeast earlier in the day leaving                            The company has ambitious plans to
       thousands dead.                     Iraq, Qatar set March OSPs           increase exports up to 25,000 tons by Q2 2023
         Ceyhan receives crude from two major                                   and to establish a prominent position in the
       cross-border pipelines, namely the Baku-  Middle East crude benchmarks Oman, Dubai   petroleum market.
       Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline that carries oil   and Murban continued to rise on Wednesday,   India is also a target market, with Dubai
       from Azerbaijan across Georgia to Turkey’s   supported by expectations of a demand revival  serving as a hub for petroleum trading and a
       Mediterranean coast and the Kirkuk-Ceyhan   in China and a supply disruption at Turkey’s   prime location to engage with international
       pipeline that transports oil from northern   Ceyhan oil terminal.        market.
       Iraq. Turkish pipeline operator Botas said   While Iraqi crude flows and exports   Basra Sky has achieved a historic feat, and
       neither pipeline has been damaged.  have resumed, exports of Azeri crude were   it is expected that this accomplishment will
         The Ceyhan terminal exported just over   still stopped. The Azeri BTC pipeline was,   pave the way for further success in Iraq’s oil
       1mn b/d of crude in January, according to   however, still working and sending oil to   industry. Basra Sky is well-positioned to take
       Vortexa, as cited by Argus. This included   storage in Ceyhan, two sources said.  the lead in global energy exports thanks to its
       around 665,000 b/d of Azerbaijani crude   Iraq sets March Basrah Medium crude   high standards, state-of-the-art infrastructure,
       through the BTC and 395,000 b/d of Iraq’s   price to Asia at minus $1.10 a barrel versus   and enthusiastic workforce.
       Kirkuk blend through the Kirkuk-Ceyhan.  the Oman/Dubai average, up 30 cents from   In addition, other countries in the region
         Operations at Turkey’s port of Dortyol,   a month ago, according to the Iraqi State   have expressed interest in acquiring these
       located across the Bay of Iskenderun from   Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO).  same raw materials.
       Ceyhan, were also suspended until further   Qatar sets the official selling prices (OSPs)   This could open up another potential
       notice. Around 1.9mn tonnes of oil products,   for March Marine crude at plus $0.40 a barrel   channel of international trade for Basra Sky.
       LPG and biofuels were exported from the   against the Oman/Dubai average, and for   With well-established relationships with
       port last year, while almost 3mn tonnes were   Land crude at plus $1.10 a barrel against the   customers around the world, Basra Sky could
       imported, according to the Vortexa data.  Oman/Dubai average, according to a pricing   soon become one of the most prominent
       BNE                                 document issued by Qatar Petroleum.  exporter of VGO Iraq. Basra Sky may keep
                                              February OSPs for Qatar Marine and   setting the bar high in the Iraqi petroleum
       Kurdistan resumes halted            Qatar Land were set at $0.75 a barrel over   market and beyond if it works hard, innovates,
                                                                                and has ambition.
                                           the Oman/Dubai average and $2.10 a barrel,
       oil exports to Turkey               respectively.                        BASRA SKY
                                              The minister also said India will consider
       The Ministry of Natural Resources of Iraqi   buying oil from Iran and Venezuela if

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