Page 11 - MEOG Week 06 2023
P. 11
POLICY Al-Huwaiza oil field in Basra Governorate, processing of electric power stations with
and it was referred to the company (Geo a percentage of ( 25% of the gas needs of
Iraqi minister reveals 5th Good) also the Chinese, the development the Ministry of Electricity, according to the
and production of the Sinbad oil field in
bid round winners Basra Governorate, which was referred to the INA
Chinese company (UAG), the development
The Deputy Prime Minister for Energy and production of the Kalabat-Qamar fields
Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul- in Diyala Governorate, and it was referred to COMPANIES
Ghani, revealed the exploratory blocks and the Emirati company (Crescent Petroleum),
the winning companies in the fifth licensing and the development and production of the AOGC signs 6 cooperation
round. Al-Khashm Al-Ahmar-Anjana fields in Diyala
A statement by the Ministry of Oil, Governorate and was referred to the Emirati MoUs, 3 contracts
received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), company (Crescent Petroleum),Exploration,
stated, “The Council of Ministers approved, development and production of the Arvandan Oil and Gas Company (AOGC)
in its session held yesterday, Tuesday, the exploratory patch, Khidr al-Maa in Basra signed 6 cooperation memoranda of
recommendation of the Ministerial Council Governorate, was also referred to the Emirati understanding (MOU) and 3 contracts on
for Energy (23015-d for the year 2023), which company (Crescent Petroleum).” the 3rd day of the 13th Ahvaz Oil Industry
stipulates” proceeding with the signing of For his part, the official spokesman for Equipment Manufacturing Exhibition.
licensing round contracts for border blocks the ministry, Assem Jihad, explained that According to Arvandan Oil and Gas
and fields (the fifth round). “contracts were signed in initial letters with Company, this company signed 6 cooperation
The Minister of Oil affirmed, “Proceeding the winning companies and then referred agreements and 3 contracts with the National
with the final signing procedures for the fifth to the Council of Ministers / Energy Affairs Steel Industrial Group, Khuzestan Industrial
licensing round contracts for exploration Committee for the purpose of approval and Estates Company, South Petroboyan
blocks and border fields, and expediting ratification in the second week of June 2018,” Company, Vira Sena Servo, Luleh Gostar
the activation of contracts in order for the adding that “the Ministerial Council for Esfarayen Company, Khuzestan Academic
winning companies to start developing border Energy issued a decision No. (8) for the year Jihad Organization, Pad Jameh Asr Company
patches.” 2020 included a recommendation to present and Khuzestan Science and Technology Park.
Abdulghani said: “The Department of the fifth licensing round to the Council of These contracts concern construction
Petroleum Contracts and Licensing and Ministers, after the observations of the Federal and production of sediment removal tools
the concerned authorities in the Ministry Office of Financial Supervision have been from the heat exchanger using the ultrasonic
directed to expedite the completion of the fulfilled. shock method, development of a smart
required procedures in coordination with the He pointed out, “The Council of monitoring system to receive data within
companies that won the fifth licensing round, Ministers issued its Resolution No. (21) for the network with a modular and expandable
after the procedures were suspended due the year 2020, which includes approving safety, security and monitoring approach for
to circumstances outside the control of the Recommendation No. (4) from the Ministerial future approaches, purchase and supply of
Ministry, as they were announced in 2017 and Council for Energy Resolution (8 for the year the required 4-inch pipes according to the
in late April of the year 2018 the round was 2020) regarding the approval of contracts for existing needs, identification of technological,
conducted, which resulted in the referral of the round of fields and border patches (the knowledge-based and industrial companies
six exploration blocks for development by the fifth round).” to meet the technological needs in the field
winning companies in the round, and those And Jihad added, “The daily production of manufacturing in Arvandan Oil and Gas
blocks included (exploration, development rates expected from the round contracts Company, development of knowledge-based
and production of the exploration block, amount to (1000) million standard cubic items, first-time production and guaranteed
Khana Oil in Diyala Governorate, and it was feet per day of associated gas, in addition to purchase, support for technological plans
referred to the Chinese company (Geo Jade) quantities of crude oil of about (175) thousand for extracting energy from flare stacks,
and the development and production of the barrels per day, which will contribute to the revitalization of inactive and low-yield wells,
Week 06 08•February•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P11