Page 6 - MEOG Week 06 2023
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Iran threatens Pakistan over

       completion of gas pipeline

        IRAN             IRAN is reportedly dangling the threat of an  the Pakistan border.
                         $18bn penalty over Pakistan, saying Islamabad   “The Inter-State Gas Systems (ISGS) of Paki-
                         must construct a portion of the Iran-Pakistan  stan and the National Iranian Gas Company
                         (IP) pipeline project in its territory by February  (NIGC) had inked a revised agreement in Sep-
                         to March 2024, or pay the price.     tember 2019 for the construction of the gas pipe-
                           Pakistani publication The News has reported  line between the two countries.”
                         on the scenario. The newspaper said Tehran   The pipeline project aims to provide Pakistan
                         communicated the threat of the fine to a visiting  with 750mn cubic feet (21.2mn cubic metres) of
                         Pakistan official delegation some three weeks  gas from Iran daily.
                         ago, according to a senior official of the Pakistani   Under a Gas Sales Purchase Agreement
                         Ministry of Energy.                  (GSPA) signed in 2009 to cover a period of 25
                           “During the visit,” reported The News, “Ira-  years, Pakistan was supposed to lay down in its
                         nian authorities said that the US sanctions on  territory a pipeline of 781-kilometres from the
                         Iran were illegal [and so could have no bearing  Iranian border to Nawabshah. A series of dead-
                         on the project’s progress] and Pakistan, under the  lines were missed, with the emergence of new
                         [latest] revised agreement, was bound to erect  US sanctions partly responsible for some of the
                         the pipeline in its territory till February-March  delays, but it appears Iran has now reminded
                         2024. Iran had already completed part of the  Pakistan of the latest agreed deadline, the threat
                         pipeline in its own territory from the gas field to  of the fine and a possible move for arbitration.™

       Azerbaijan aims to expand

       piped gas supplies to Turkey

        TURKEY           AZERBAIJAN is aiming to expand its natural  anxieties that gas from the hub could be dis-
                         gas supplies to Turkey this year by approximately  guised Russian gas that has been re-labelled to
                         19% to 10bn cubic metres (bcm) from 8.4 bcm  evade sanctions on Moscow.
                         delivered last year, Azerbaijan’s Energy Minister   Gas from Azerbaijan’s Caspian Sea fields is
                         Parviz Shakhbazov said on February 3.  supplied to Turkey via pipelines that connect
                           Turkey imports gas via pipelines running  to the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline
                         from Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran, while it  (TANAP). The countries plan to increase the
                         receives liquefied natural gas (LNG) from coun-  capacity of the route to some 32 bcm per year in
                         tries including Qatar, Nigeria, Algeria and the  the next four years.
                         US. Supplies from Iran are frequently inter-  In December, Azerbaijan’s President Ilham
                         rupted due to what it says are “technical faults”.  Aliyev said his country planned to increase its
                         Last week, it announced a deal with Oman to  gas exports to Europe via Turkey to at least 11.6
                         for 10 years  receive 1.4bn cubic metres (bcm)  bcm in 2023 from an estimated 11.3 bcm in 2022.
                         of LNG annually. Ankara has ambitions to make   Proposals to build gas lines that would enable
                         Turkey a regional gas hub based on re-exports.  Turkmenistan to feed Caspian Sea gas into the
                         Russian President Vladimir Putin is a supporter  route to Europe via Azerbaijan and Turkey have
                         of the plan. European Union countries have  not won the backing of the Turkmen regime.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   08•February•2023
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