Page 14 - DMEA Week 40 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                       REFINING & FUELS                                            DMEA

                         It has a production capacity of 3.4mn tonnes   forward with the $10bn Coral South LNG pro-
                         per year (tpy) and will be used to process 450bn   ject in 2017.
                         cubic metres of gas from the Coral reservoir   The other shareholders are Mozambique
                         within Area 4. It is the first floating gas lique-  Rovuma Venture (MRV), a joint venture owned
                         faction plant ever to be deployed at a deepwater   by Eni, ExxonMobil (US) and China National
                         field off the coast of Africa.       Petroleum Corp. (CNPC); Galp (Portugal);
                           BP (UK) has signed an agreement making   KOGAS (South Korea), and ENH, the national
                         it the sole off-taker of LNG from the Coral Sul   oil company (NOC) of Mozambique
                         FLNG vessel. The company was supposed to   Strong European demand recently led Eni to
                         take delivery of its first cargo in August, but the   consider expanding the scope of the Coral South
                         shipment had to be rescheduled.      LNG project by adding a second floating LNG
                           Eni discovered the Coral field at Area 4   facility to expand production within less than
                         in 2012 and made an FID in favour of going   four years. ™

       Sudan cuts motor fuel prices amidst

       public scepticism over economic impact

            AFRICA       SUDAN’S Ministry of Energy and Oil has   reservations about the utility of the price cuts
                         reduced the price of motor fuel as of October   for local consumers.
                         5, reversing price hikes made earlier in the year.  Kamal Karrar, an independent economic
                           The ministry said in a statement that the new   analyst, said that the reductions did not elimi-
                         pricing schedule would take effect at 3:00 p.m.   nate the markups charged by or commissions
                         on October 5.                        paid to the middlemen who handled most of
                           As of that time, it explained, diesel prices   Sudan’s fuel imports.
                         were due to fall by 4% from SDG 700 ($1.23) per   “The price of fuel in Sudan is subject to bro-
                         litre to SDG 628 ($1.11) per litre, while gasoline   kers and [parasites] who have monopolised the
                         prices were set to drop by more than 25% from   fuel market since the state and the Ministry of
                         SDG 700 ($1.23) per litre to SDG 522 ($0.92)   Energy have stopped importing [fuel] directly,”
                         per litre.                           he told Radio Dabanga. “The current reduction
                           The ministry’s price reduction is designed to   is slight and does not affect transport costs for
                         reduce pressure on Sudanese consumers, who   the public or the economic situation.”
                         have been hit hard this year by rising costs for   Muhammad Sheikhoun, an economist and
                         motor fuel and other basic goods, including   academic, also argued that the involvement
                         food. However, some members of the public   of middlemen and brokers had driven up fuel
                         appear to be sceptical about the impact of this   prices. He also told Radio Dabanga, though, that
                         move.                                taxes and fluctuating exchange rates had caused
                           According to a report from Radio Dabanga,   prices to rise.
                         Sudanese taxi drivers and other transport oper-  Both Karrar and Sheikhoun have ties to
                         ators have said they expect increases in the cost   the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), the
                         of maintenance and spare parts to nullify the   political coalition that helped bring an end to
                         benefits stemming from lower fuel bills.  the long-running regime of President Omar
                           Sudanese  economists  also  expressed   el-Bashir in 2019. ™

                                               Sudan’s new fuel pricing schedule took effect on October 5 (Photo:

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