Page 15 - DMEA Week 40 2022
P. 15
Turkey changes natural gas
price calculation across
several industries
Turkey’s state-owned pipeline company Botas
has changed its calculation method for the nat-
ural gas price applied across several industries,
including tourism and steel.
Starting October 1, Botas linked the tariffs to
what it referred to as the “daily reference price,”
which effectively translates into a price hike
of between 25% to 50%, business daily Dunya
A 25% increase would apply to tourism and a
50% rise to the steel, glass and cement industries,
it specified.
National statistical office TUIK (aka Turk-
Stat) reported on September 30 that the natural backed the Libyan National Army led by eastern “It does not matter what they think,” Cavu-
gas price rose by 217% y/y for industrial users in military commander Khalifa Haftar. soglu was reported as saying by the news agency
H1-2022 to TRY1,070 per cubic metres. The y/y Moscow sent the first Wagner group and when asked if other countries might object to the
increase was 32% for residential users. Syrian mercenaries to Libya in 2019 to support new MoU. “Third countries do not have the right
The electricity price for industrial users Haftar to unseat the UN-recognised Govern- to interfere,” he added.
and households rose by 125% y/y and 54% y/y ment of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli. But Greece reiterated that it has sovereign rights
respectively. Haftar’s forces and Wagner withdrew to bases in in the concerned area that would be defended
bne/IntelliNews, October 2 2022 the eastern part of the country, where many of with all legal means in respect of international
the country’s oilfields are concentrated, after the law. Athens contends that it has a 2020 pact with
Russia plans to name 2020 ceasefire that led to the formation of the Egypt, designating an exclusive economic zone
Government of National Unity (GNU).
in the eastern Mediterranean.
ambassador to Libya, open deliveries of modern weaponry, including on Twitter that Greece and Egypt challenged
Russian support for Haftar has included
Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias wrote
Tripoli embassy shortly Pantsir anti-aircraft systems and MiG-29 and the “legitimacy of the Libyan Government of
Sukhoi-24 aircraft, as well as Wagner Group National Unity to sign the said MoU”.
The Russian government plans to reopen its mercenaries. Turkey has been a key supporter of the Tripo-
embassy in Tripoli and appoint an ambassador bna/IntelliNews, October 6 2022 li-based Government of National Unity (GNU)
to Libya shortly, Russia’s Envoy to the Middle under Abdulhamid al-Dbeibah. Its legitimacy is
East and Africa, Mikhail Bogdanov said on Greece, Egypt object rejected by the Libyan parliament. In 2019, Tur-
Wednesday, October 5. key and Libya agreed to establish an economic
Moscow has been in talks with the Govern- to energy exploration zone sharing a maritime border. That move
ment of National Unity headed by Abdulhamid angered Greece, Cyprus, Egypt and Israel, all gas
Dbeibah to reopen the embassy, and recently memorandum signed by producers. It was not clear if the memorandum
resumed its diplomatic mission in Benghazi by signed on October 3 will allow further move-
reopening the Russian Consulate General in the Libya, Turkey ment towards establishing such a zone.
east of Libya, which was inactive since 1992. bna/IntelliNews, October 5 2022
The move comes as Moscow attempts to Greece and Egypt issued a warning on October
restore its strong presence in Tripoli to what it 3 after Libya’s Tripoli government and Turkey Tripoli government signs
was before the break-up of the former Soviet signed a preliminary deal on energy exploration
Union, Bogdanov told the Russian news agency in the eastern Mediterranean. initial energy exploration
Tass. Athens and Cairo said they would oppose any
The Russian diplomat said the employees activity in disputed areas of that Mediterranean deals with Turkey
working temporarily from Tunisia will return to zone. Libya’s eastern-based parliament, which
function from Tripoli very soon. supports an alternative administration for the Tripoli-based Libya’s Government of National
Russia has recognized the Libyan rival gov- country, also rejected the deal. Unity (GNU) and Turkey signed preliminary
ernment headed by Fathi Bashagha, who was Speaking at a ceremony in Tripoli, Turkish agreements on Monday, October 3 to boost
appointed by the eastern-based parliament in Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Libyan co-operation between the two countries that
February. However, Moscow is now reconsider- Foreign Minister Najla Mangoush described included potential energy exploration in mari-
ing its policy towards Libya after Bashagha made the deal as one of several in a memorandum time areas, but the eastern-based parliament in
several failed attempts to take the capital. of understanding (MoU) on economic issues Benghazi rejected the deals, according to news
Throughout the Libyan conflict, Russia has signed by their two countries, Reuters reported. portal Al Arabiya.
Week 40 06•October•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P15