Page 5 - MEOG Week 31 2022
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                         channels, Consultancy Welligence Analyt-  Hail and Ghasha Development Project.
                         ics said: “Gas has been discovered in multiple   Meanwhile, ADNOC L&S was handed a
                         good-quality reservoirs in the shallow Jurassic  $681mn contract to provide offshore logistics
                         and deeper Khuff and Pre-Khuff formations.  and marine support services.
                         Fast-track development options are under   The giant offshore Ghasha concession con-
                         evaluation.”                         tains the Dalma, Ghasha, Hail, Mubarraz, Nasr
                           The Offshore Block 2 discoveries are the third  and Satah al-Razboot (SARB) fields and is the
                         connected to the 2019 licensing round and fol-  world’s largest offshore sour gas development.
                         low the 1bn barrels of oil equivalent (boe) found   ADNOC owns its customary 60% in Ghasha,
                         by Japan’s Inpex at Onshore Block 4 in December  with international partners holding the remain-
                         and the “multi-reservoir discovery” in Onshore  der – Eni 25%, Germany’s Wintershall 10% and
                         Block 3 Occidental Petroleum in early 2021 –  Abu Dhabi government-affiliated and Vien-
                         which was expanded upon in May this year with  na-based OMV holding 5%.
                         a 100mn-barrel announcement.           The overall Ghasha project is expected to pro-
                           ADNOC said that the “existing data from  duce 15.5 bcm per year of gas as well as oil and
                         detailed petroleum system studies, seismic  condensate volumes by the end of the decade,
                         surveys, exploration and appraisal wells data”  with first output anticipated in 2025 and with
                         suggest that the blocks awarded in the auction  four artificial islands already completed and
                         hold “multiple billion barrels of oil and multiple  development drilling underway.
                         trillion cubic feet of natural gas”.   With ADNOC noting Ghasha’s impor-
                           The company noted that the discoveries have  tance to its integrated gas masterplan, Minis-
                         leveraged “insights from ADNOC’s ongoing 3D  ter of Industry and Advanced Technology and
                         mega seismic survey,” alluding to an onshore  ADNOC CEO and managing director HE Dr.
                         and offshore survey being carried out by China  Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber said: “ADNOC is com-
                         National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) geophysical  mitted to unlocking the UAE’s abundant natural
                         specialist subsidiary BGP.           gas reserves to enable domestic gas self-suffi-
                           The scope of the 3D survey was expanded  ciency, industrial growth and diversification,
                         in late 2020 from around 53,000 square km to  as well as to meet growing global gas demand,
                         82,000 square km, taking the total value of the  in line with the UAE Leadership’s wise direc-
                         contract to $2.12bn. The project is the world’s  tives. Abu Dhabi’s vast gas resources can play an
                         largest combined onshore and offshore 3D seis-  increasingly important role in providing low-
                         mic survey.                          er-carbon energy to meet the demands of today
                                                              and tomorrow, while the world still relies on
                         Ghasha award                         hydrocarbons.”
                         Within a few days of the discovery’s announce-  Late last year, ADNOC awarded $1.46bn of
                         ment ADNOC announced that it had awarded  engineering, procurement and construction
                         two drilling contracts and one logistics deal to  (EPC) and another $1bn of front-end engineer-
                         its ADNOC Drilling and ADNOC Logistics &  ing and design (FEED) work for assets within the
                         Services subsidiaries.               Ghasha concession as it ramps up efforts to tap
                           The first two contracts cover integrated drill-  sour gas, with the inclusion of a carbon capture
                         ing services and fluids ($1.3bn), and the provi-  integration component illustrating the Emirate’s
                         sion of four Island Drilling rigs ($711mn) for the  aims to reduce emissions.™

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