Page 8 - MEOG Week 31 2022
P. 8

MEOG                                   FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            MEOG

       Iran planning for oil

       project investment

        IRAN             IRAN’S Oil Minister this week said that plans  has an estimated 7bn barrels of oil in place (OIP),
                         are in place for the huge levels of investment  900mn barrels of which are seen as recoverable,
                         required to build out the country’s oil projects.  with first phase production reaching 25,000 bpd
                           Speaking on national TV this week, Javad  and the second phase seen raising this to 55,000-
                         Owji reiterated that $160bn of investment will be  60,000 bpd.
                         required over the next eight years to enable Iran   Owji added: “In the downstream sector, we
                         to complete oil development projects. “Planning  reached an agreement with Gazprom to build
                         has been done to provide this figure, and consid-  gas transmission and export pipelines to coun-
                         ering the current progress [in our plans] there  tries such as Oman and Pakistan.”
                         will be no problem in this regard,” he said.  Meanwhile, he was quoted by the Ministry
                           He added that the government has attracted  of Petroleum’s (MoP) Shana news network as
                         more than $80bn, leaving less than 50% to be  saying: “We have also signed 28 contracts with
                         sourced, highlighting the recent $40bn memo-  a total value of over $1bn for collecting flare
                         randum of understanding (MoU) signed with  gas, most of which have been signed with pri-
                         Russian gas monopoly Gazprom.        vate companies that will use the collected gas as
                           However, the official Islamic Republic News  payment.”
                         Agency (IRNA) report just a week or so ago that   As has been common during the first 12
                         $50bn had been secured, including the Gazprom  months of President Ebrahim Raisi, Owji cast
                         deal.                                blame for a lack of progress on sanctions and the
                           In June, the National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC)  previous administration. “At the beginning of
                         signed a $7bn investment deal with local compa-  the 13th administration, there were 48 half-com-
                         nies, banks and the National Development Fund  pleted projects worth $13bn in the Ministry of
                         of Iran (NDFI) to raise output at Azadegan, Iran’s  Petroleum, which were followed up strongly
                         largest oilfield, to 570,000 barrels per day from  afterwards,” he said.
                         the current combined 215,000 bpd across the   However, he said that the final upstream
                         north and south development projects.  phase of South Pars – Phase 11 – would “become
                           Azadegan is located along the border with  productive soon once Platform 12C of Phase 12
                         Iraq, and Owji noted that such shared assets are  of the field is installed at the location of Plat-
                         Iran’s top priority.                 form 11B before the end of the current Iranian
                           Meanwhile, in March, NIOC signed a  calendar year”, with three refining trains to be
                         $530mn, 20-year agreement with a foreign  launched at the remaining downstream Phase
                         company to apply enhanced oil recovery (EOR)  14 refining site during the same period.
                         techniques at the oil layer of the South Pars gas   “By the end of this year, several petrochem-
                         field, which it shares with Qatar.   ical projects, such as Hengam petrochemical
                           Located 130 km off Iran’s southern coast in 67  plant, worth about $2.6bn, will also come on
                         metres of water, the South Pars Oil Layer (SPOL)  stream,” he concluded.™

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