Page 18 - DMEA Week 36
P. 18

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Bahrain FSRU heads to US’           which includes oil storage terminals, a crude   complex, mega-sized Al-Zour Refinery
                                                                                project in Kuwait. Upon completion, the
                                           oil refinery, an LNG terminal, a ship repair
       Cove Point                          area, and power stations. The Damerjog   grassroots complex is expected to be one of
                                           Liquid Bulk Port will be developed in three
                                                                                the largest refineries in the world and process
       Bahrain’s floating storage and regasification   construction phases over five years.  615,000 barrels of oil per day.
       unit (FSRU) — the 173,400 cubic metres   In a statement on Twitter, DPFZA says that   “This significant milestone marks the
       Bahrain Spirit — has left the country and is   DDIP will be Djibouti’s first heavy industrial   completion of several critical utility systems
       declaring for the US’ Cove Point liquefaction   and petrochemical base, and East Africa’s   to start up and advance the refinery into
       facility, according to Argus.       only industrial complex with a road-port-  commercial operations with our ongoing
         The vessel departed Bahrain on August   air-railway network. The new liquid bulk   support,” said Mark Fields, president of
       8, and is declaring for arrival at Cove Point   port will enable Djibouti to become a leading   Fluor’s global Energy & Chemicals business.
       on September, likely to load a cargo, having   oil product trading hub for East Africa’s   “Timely delivery of the new Al-Zour Refinery
       passed the Cape of Good Hope.       petrochemical sector.                is critical to the Kuwait economy. Our team
         The FSRU’s single received cargo —   DPFZA chairman Aboubaker Omar Hadi   worked closely with KIPIC to continue with
       delivered in March 2019 — was transferred   hosted a groundbreaking ceremony attended   about 15,000 workers on site to maintain
       onto an onshore facility at the terminal,   by Djibouti president Ismail Omar Guelleh,   progress throughout the COVID-19
       following its completion in January this year,   Djibouti prime minister Abdoulkader Kamil   pandemic. This accomplishment was made
       allowing the vessel to be available for short-  Mohamed, the speaker of the Djibouti House   possible through the joint venture team’s well-
       term charters.                      Mohamed Ali Houmed, Ahmed Abdi Karie   conceived health and safety strategy that was
         Terminal operator Bahrain LNG — a joint   Qoorqoor, president of Somalia’s Galmudug   implemented with rigorous discipline.”
       venture between Bermuda-based Teekay   state and SOMAGEC president Roger Sahyoun,  “Working together with the Fluor-led joint
       LNG, Bahrain’s Noga Holdings, Kuwait’s   DPFZA says on Twitter: ‘This is a   venture to achieve this important milestone
       Gulf Investment and South Korea’s Samsung   major milestone as despite the challenges   for the ZOR Program is a true success – not
       C&T — intends to use the terminal to meet   and disruptions coronavirus has caused   only for KIPIC, but for the State of Kuwait –
       its summer-peaking gas demand, but with   globally, we have successfully continued with   and will help bring energy self-sufficiency and
       demand expected to slow as the country   preparations for the future. DDIP will play a   further prosperity for all of us,” said Khaled
       enters winter, the operator may have offered   key role in the development of Djibouti and   Al-Awadhi, deputy CEO of KIPIC.
       the FSRU on the spot and short-term charter   the region.’.                Leading up to this achievement, various
       markets. This would allow some utilisation                               enabling facilities were successfully completed
       of the vessel, which is on a long-term charter                           and handed over including the central control
       from owner Teekay LNG.              Fluor JV starts up boilers at        room building and other associated buildings,
                                                                                fire water systems, communication systems
                                           Kuwait’s Al Zour refinery            and other refinery infrastructure. COOEC
       Somagec starts work on              Fluor Corporation announced on September   Fluor Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. – Fluor’s joint
                                                                                venture fabrication yard in Zhuhai, China –
       new oil terminal in Djibouti        10 that its joint venture with Daewoo   also delivered 188 modules with a combined
                                                                                weight of 65,000 metric tons to support
                                           Engineering & Construction and Hyundai
       Moroccan civil engineering firm Somagec   Heavy Industries, FDH JV, had successfully   the project’s large-scale, onshore modular
       has launched construction works on a new   started up two boilers and they began   execution strategy.
       oil jetty for the Damerjog Liquid Bulk Port in   generating steam in the new Al-Zour Refinery   The Fluor joint venture has executed more
       Djibouti Damerjog Industrial Park (DDIP),   at the Kuwait Integrated Petrochemicals   than 154mn work hours on site, and at peak,
       Djibouti.                           Industrial Company’s (KIPIC) Package 2 and   employed more than 20,000 craft workers
         The oil jetty will be 3 km long and will   3 Project in Kuwait.        backed by joint venture team members spread
       accommodate vessels from 5,000 to 100,000   Fluor is leading a joint venture that   across three continents..
       DWT and ships from 2,000 to 30,000 DWT,   is working to deliver two engineering,
       according to media reports. It will serve the   procurement, fabrication and construction
       new port, being developed by the Djibouti   packages for key process support units,
       Ports and Free Zones Authorities (DPFZA),   utilities and infrastructure for the highly

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   10•September•2020
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