Page 13 - DMEA Week 36
P. 13

DMEA                                          TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       ADNOC dishes out contracts for

       infrastructure upgrades

        UAE              UAE state oil firm Abu Dhabi National Oil  of $135mn. Their capacity will be raised by more
                         Co. (ADNOC) has awarded contracts worth  than 30%. Target’s $110mn contract will see it
                         $245mn to two companies for the upgrade of  upgrade the receiving terminals. This will ena-
                         an oil pipeline and receiving facilities at its Jebel  ble ADNOC to use part of its existing facilities
                         Dhanna import terminal.              to import Upper Zakum from offshore as well
                           The revamp will enable the western terminal  as other grades.
                         to handle oil grades other than the country’s flag-  “The ability to import other grades of crude
                         ship Murban, and also increase its capacity. This  at Jebel Dhanna following the completion of the
                         will mean the terminal is able to receive Upper  project will provide ADNOC greater flexibility,
                         Zakum and other oil grades for delivery to the  highlighting how the company is extracting
                         Ruwais oil refining complex.         value from every barrel of crude it produces,”
                           China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering  ADNOC said. “The terminal was originally
                         (CPPE) and Abu Dhabi-based Target Engineer-  conceived and operated as a Murban crude oil
                         ing Construction have received engineering,  export facility since its inception in the 1960s.”
                         procurement and construction (EPC) contracts   The terminal will deliver crude to the 840,000
                         with a 30-month duration for work, ADNOC  barrel per day (bpd) Ruwais Refinery West pro-
                         said on September 7.                 ject 12 km east, which forms part of the Ruwais
                           CPPC will replace the two oil lines delivering  refining and petrochemical complex. Ruwais is
                         Murban from oilfields at Bab, Bu Hasa, North  undergoing an expansion that will add 600,000
                         East Bab and South East to the terminal, at a cost  bpd to its capacity by 2025. ™

       Sonatrach hires contractors

       for pipe work

        ALGERIA          ALGERIA’S Sonatrach has handed out a raft of  cathodic protection systems on pipeline from
                         contracts for the construction for gas pipelines,  Hassi R’Mel to Arzew.
       The pipe contracts are   LNG equipment supply and other projects.  Sonatrach has also hired Air Products to pro-
       worth $520mn.       The national oil company (NOC) said on Sep-  vide four of its MCR cryogenic heat exchangers
                         tember 8 it had awarded deals to domestic firms  for the GL1Z LNG export plant in Arzew, the US
                         ENGCB, Sarpi, ENGTP, RNSC, Kanaghaz and  company said on September 9. The exchangers,
                         Cosider valued at DZD67bn ($520mn). They  each with a production capacity of 1.3mn tonnes
                         are for the construction of 700 km of pipelines  per year (tpy), will replace four older units Air
                         and networks to ship gas from fields in Algeria’s  Products fitted in the late 1970s.
                         south-west to markets, it said. The pipelines will   The new models will serve as part of Air Prod-
                         be capable of carrying 11mn cubic metres per  ucts’ proprietary AP-C3MR propane pre-cooled
                         day of supplies by 2022.             mixed refrigerant liquefaction process at the
                           The work will create 3,000 jobs, Sonatrach  multi-train facility. Installing them will reduce
                         said, noting its support for local content use.  maintenance costs and make gas use more effi-
                           Sonatrach also said it had enlisted Sarpi and  cient, while supporting production levels.
                         Safir Group to work on development plans for   GL1Z is one of three LNG export plants in
                         oilfields to the west of Touat. These fields will  Arzew and can produce up to 7.9mn tpy of the
                         supply 6,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil to the  super-cooled gas. The other two facilities, GL2Z
                         Adrar oil refinery by 2022.          and GL3Z, have export capacities of 8.2mn tpy
                           Another contract was awarded to Cosider for  and 4.7mn tpy.
                         work on fire detection and anti-fire networks at   Sonatrach has another 4.5mn tpy terminal in
                         its oil and gas facilities in Arzew. ENAC has also  Skikda, bringing Algeria’s overall export capacity
                         been picked to supply, install and commission  to 25mn tpy. ™

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