Page 9 - DMEA Week 36
P. 9

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         Africa: Offshore activity              Petronas will review the “affordability” of
                         Several African states have reported new off-  such a payment following the release of its
                         shore developments this week.        fourth-quarter results, company president and
                           In Senegal, the RSSD consortium has moved  CEO Tengku Muhammad Taufik Tengku Aziz
                         one step closer to finalising its new shareholder  said on September 4.
                         line-up, with the signing of a bunding sale and   “Our dividend payout is governed by our
                         purchase agreement (SPA) between Australia’s  affordability and will need to take into account
                         Woodside Petroleum and UK-based Cairn Energy.  our business-as-usual capex and immediate
                         The latter had previously arranged to sell its equity  financial obligations,” Taufik said at Petronas’
                         in the offshore Sangomar block to Russia’s Lukoil,  first-half results briefing. “Our year-end results
                         but Woodside pre-empted the sale.    would be the guidance to set the expectation.
                           Meanwhile, Senegal’s government is looking to  That dialogue will continue as this industry
                         make Sangomar and other offshore blocks a future  is volatile and, like other oil and gas compa-
                         source of natural gas for the domestic market. The  nies, shareholders will tend to not see so much
                         country’s sovereign wealth fund has secured a grant  returns.”
                         from the US Trade and Development Administra-  Petronas’ dividend was MYR24bn ($5.77bn)
                         tion (USTDA) for a feasibility study on the con-  in 2019, but 2020 is proving to be a much more
                         struction of a pipeline that could deliver gas from  challenging year, owing to the COVID-19 pan-
                         the offshore zone to thermal power plants (TPPs).  demic. The state major’s first-half revenue shrank
                           In Morocco, Chariot Oil & Gas (UK) has  by 23% to MYR93.6bn ($22.52bn), down from
                         wrapped up efforts to re-process 3D seismic data  MYR121.1bn ($29.13bn) a year earlier, as a result
                         from the Lixus block. As a result of this re-process-  of the collapse of oil and gas prices and sales vol-
                         ing, Netherland Sewell & Associates Inc (NSAI) has  umes in the second quarter. Petronas posted a
                         revised the resource assessment for a 50-square km  MYR21bn ($5.05bn) net loss in April-June, after
                         section of the licence area upwards by 148%. This  recording a MYR14.7bn ($3.54bn) net profit in
                         section, which includes the Anchois field, is now  the same period of 2019. Second-quarter reve-
                         thought to contain 1tn cubic feet (28.3bn cubic  nue, meanwhile, tumbled 42% y/y to MYR34bn
                         metres) of natural gas.              ($8.18bn) from MYR59.1bn ($14.22bn).
                           Further east, Egypt has stepped up talks with   Taufik said that while the pandemic had
                         Cyprus on proposals for a joint pipeline construc-  placed additional financial pressure on the
                         tion project. The proposed pipeline would pump  government, the board had to review Petronas’
                         gas southward from the Aphrodite field offshore  finances before committing to any payment. He
                         Cyprus to the Egyptian coast, where it could be  then noted that the board was contemplating
                         made into LNG and exported to other markets. The  a company-wide salary cut in order to avoid
                         project could help Egypt achieve its aim of becom-  redundancies.
                         ing a regional energy trading hub, but it may also be   “We have explored possible [cost-cutting]
                         affected by geopolitical developments.  options. We also want to be a responsible man-
                                                              agement,” the executive said. He added: “As such,
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   we would not take this decision lightly and we
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   will deliberate on all possible options. With
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor .          regard to the current position, I do not want to
                                                              pursue the path of retrenchment or layoffs. We
                         Asia: Petronas may shelve 2020 dividend  have to share the pain.”
                         After posting a first-half net loss of MYR16.5bn
                         ($3.97bn), Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas has   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         warned the government that it could struggle to   Asia’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         pay this year’s annual dividend.     NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor .

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