Page 14 - DMEA Week 36
P. 14

DMEA                                           TRANSPORT                                               DMEA

       NNPC denies graft at

       AKK gas pipe

        NIGERIA          NIGERIAN National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC)  reasonable, NNPC said, noting that the project
                         has denied that the budget of its Ajaokuta-Ka-  had undergone “a transparent and open compet-
       The claims of a   duna-Kano (AKK) gas pipeline was inflated by  itive tender process” where the most competitive
       $1.53bn cost inflation   $1.53bn.                      bids were chosen.
       are “false, baseless and   The national oil company (NOC) was   “Approval of all relevant authorities was
       unfounded,” NNPC has   responding to an article by Nigerian daily  obtained after an intense scrutiny by the vari-
       said.             Point Blank News on September 7, which said  ous agencies,” NNPC said. “This is a deliberate
                         the Bureau for Public Procurement (BPP) had  attempt to mislead the Nigerian public with
                         uncovered evidence of corruption. NNPC drove  baseless information.”
                         up pipe costs for the project from $513 to $3,000   The BBP’s director, Alhaji Maman Ahmadu,
                         per metre, it said.                  was quoted in the press as saying that NNPC
                           Point Blank said it had a copy of a report  had followed due process in procuring pipes for
                         by BPP and published photographs of several  AKK.
                         pages, although no heading or page numbers   The 614-km pipeline is due to deliver up
                         were visible. It quoted the bureau as saying that  to 56mn cubic metres per day of gas to power
                         NNPC’s pipe contract was “a hastily compiled,  plants in the states of Abuja, Kaduna and Kano.
                         tardy and unprofessional submission, which  These stations are being built as part of Nigeria’s
                         is bereft of any significant engineering inputs,  programme for expanding the share of gas in its
                         technical information and without considera-  electricity mix.
                         tion for the unit rates or the bill of quantities as   Construction had been scheduled to begin in
                         is usually expected in the review of such engi-  the first half of 2020, but did not start until early
                         neering projects.”                   July because of coronavirus (COVID-19) related
                           “We are also reliably informed that as at pres-  disruptions. The engineering, procurement and
                         ent date, there is still no detailed design, neither  construction (EPC) contractors picked for the
                         are there technical specifications for the project,”  pipeline were Nigeria’s Oilserv, Oando and Bren-
                         Point Blank quoted the BPP as saying.  tex Petroleum Services, and China’s First High-
                           These allegations are “false, baseless and  way Engineering and China Petroleum Pipeline.
                         unfounded,” NNPC said in a statement, adding   China Export and Credit Insurance Corpo-
                         it was considering legal action. The BPP itself has  ration (Sinosure) has pledged to underwrite up
                         denied the discovery of graft at the project.  to 85% of the pipeline’s cost, projected by NNPC
                           The bureau judged the pipe costs to be  to be $2.6bn. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   10•September•2020
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