Page 11 - DMEA Week 36
P. 11

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         To say that the controversial pipeline project has   Chevron is due to take Trains 1 and 3 offline
                         suffered more than its fair share of challenges  to inspect the heat exchangers for similar issues,
                         over the years is an understatement. However,  and now says it hopes that the work at Train 2
                         NewsBase does not expect Germany to shift its  can help those inspections – and any necessary
                         position on Nord Stream 2 when the pipeline  repairs – to be more efficient.
                         is so near completion, especially given the very   Separately, Royal Dutch Shell said on Sep-
                         clear benefits it will provide for the German  tember 4 that it had begun restart procedures at
                         economy.                             its Prelude FLNG facility and the gas fields off-
                           In  other  news,  Russia  has,  as  expected,  shore Broome that supply feedstock to the vessel.
                         restored nearly 500,000 barrels per day (bpd)   However, Shell is reported to have run into
                         of oil supply last month, after OPEC+ cuts were  challenges almost immediately. A source on
                         eased. It did so as 13 OPEC members brought  board the vessel was quoted by news agencies as
                         back a further 1mn bpd.              saying the restart had some issues with “multi-
                           The rise in deliveries has occurred at a time  ple trips” of the plant and two swivels inside the
                         when the recovery in global oil demand is  turret that moors the giant LNG facility in place.
                         stalling. The summer driving season is ending,  And Shell is reported to have suspended gas
                         while the economic fallout from the pandemic  flows to Prelude as a precaution.
                         continues and some countries are re-imposing   There is now speculation that Prelude –
                         lockdowns. Meanwhile, global stocks of crude  which is thought to be one of the most complex
                         oil and refined products remain at a record high.  LNG facilities in the world – may not be back on
                           While efforts by the OPEC+ group have  stream until 2021. The facility has been offline
                         driven the market’s recovery so far, the easing  since February as a result of technical issues.
                         of cuts now is bad news for other suppliers –
                         including Russia.                    If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                                                              the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor .
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .  Latin America: Policy initiatives
                                                              Mexico, Colombia and Brazil are all wrestling
                         GLNG: Restart troubles in Australia  with new policy initiatives this week.
                         Attempts to restart liquefaction capacity that has   In Brazil, the Chamber of Deputies, the lower
                         been offline in Australia – namely, the second  house of the National Congress, has approved
                         production train at Gorgon LNG and the Prel-  the basic text of a bill that calls for opening up
                         ude floating LNG (FLNG) facility – are running  the domestic natural gas market to even more
                         into obstacles.                      private competition.
                           On September 3, Chevron Australia said it   The legislation is designed to support pre-
                         would require extra time to complete repairs of  vious efforts to break state-owned Petrobras’
                         propane heat exchangers on Train 2 at the Gor-  monopoly on the production, processing and
                         gon terminal on Barrow Island, off the northwest  transport of gas.
                         coast of Western Australia. Chevron had initially   In Colombia, legislation that aims to provide
                         anticipated completing the repairs and returning  tax breaks for unconventional oil and gas pro-
                         Train 2 to service in September, but now says it  jects has stalled in the legislature, raising new
                         expects the restart in October.      questions about plans for pilot projects involving
                           The company said that following its ongo-  the use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
                         ing technical work, it was further refining its  These projects have generated no small amount
                         approach and had decided that some welds in  of controversy in Colombia, with opponents
                         targeted areas would require additional work. A  playing up the environmental risks of frack-
                         trade union had previously raised concerns that  ing and backers emphasising the potential for
                         the heat exchangers would need to be replaced  increasing the country’s reserves.
                         altogether, so while the repairs are more exten-  In Mexico, the government is preparing to
                         sive than Chevron initially expected, it appears  unveil a new programme for supporting the
                         that this was not the worst-case scenario.  energy industry within the next few weeks.

       Week 36   10•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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