Page 4 - DMEA Week 36
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iraq export expansion

       focuses on Jordan

       Iraq remains heavily reliant on its southern export terminals despite years of

       talk about expanding routes to the south and west

        IRAQ             IRAQ last week announced that its oil exports  a combined nameplate capacity of 1.6mn bpd,
                         had fallen to a five-year low in August as Bagh-  with the wider, 46-inch (1,168-mm) pipe capable
       WHAT:             dad seeks to comply with OPEC+ output  of carrying 1.1mn bpd and the narrower 40-inch
       Iraq’s Gulf terminals   reductions.                    (1,016-mm) line 500,000 bpd.
       are responsible for the   Total Iraqi exports were 3.02mn barrels per   However, following years of sabotage and
       vast majority of the   day for the month, with 2.597mn bpd coming  disrepair, Kirkuk-Ceyhan is rarely capable of
       country’s exports, with   from federally controlled areas and the remain-  achieving anywhere near 500,000 bpd in total.
       86% of August shipments   ing 423,000 bpd from the Kurdistan Region of   There is also an Erbil-controlled pipeline,
       exported that way.  northern Iraq, according to shipping data cited  which runs from the Taq Taq field via Khurmala
                         by S&P Platts.                       and connects to Kirkuk-Ceyhan at the metering
       WHY:                This marks a 216,000 bpd reduction on July  station in the border town of Fishkhabur. This
       Trucked cargoes to   exports, following Baghdad’s agreement to  line was designed to carry 700,000 bpd, but
       Jordan dried up this year   make extra compensatory production cuts in  Federal Iraqi oil would need to be put under the
       amid a massive price   August and September to make up for its his-  control of the Kurdistan Regional Government
       drop and then pandemic-  toric non-compliance. Production data is yet to  (KRG) to make use of the conduit.
       related issues.   be published, though Iraq’s quota for May, June   The idea of piping crude through other
                         and July was 3.592mn bpd, rising to 3.804mn  neighbouring countries has also been mooted at
       WHAT NEXT:        from August until the end of 2020.   various times, with lengthy discussions having
       Talks continue about a   According to the data, Baghdad-controlled  proved largely fruitless so far.
       major planned pipeline   exports comprised 2.5mn bpd through termi-
       to Jordan, with Egypt   nals on the Gulf coast, with 97,000 bpd from the  Jordan in the middle
       recently signing up to   Kirkuk fields flowing by pipeline to the Turkish  The recent tripartite summit between the gov-
       expand the conduit into   port of Ceyhan.              ernments of Egypt, Iraq and Jordan saw the
       its territory.      Iraq has over the past decade sought to ease  administrations agree to co-operate on inter-
                         its dependence on Gulf export infrastructure.  connectivity in the fields of oil and electricity as
                         Exports to the north-west are piped via the  well as education, agricultural greenhouses and
                         Kirkuk-Ceyhan Pipeline, which is often also  seed production.
                         referred to as the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP).   Following the meetings in Amman, Egyptian
                         This consists of two strings, which originally had  Minister of Electricity Mohamed Shaker that the

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 36   10•September•2020
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