Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 24 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                       ARGENTINA                                           LatAmOil

       Martinez says work on oil and gas

       investment law is nearly complete

                         ARGENTINA’S  government has nearly   facilities, develop offshore fields and export oil
                         wrapped up the process of drawing up new leg-  and gas under long-term contracts, he said.
                         islation to promote investment in the oil and gas   “The bill will make it possible for investment
                         industry, Energy Secretary Dario Martinez said   to come to Argentina, and this brings more pro-
                         earlier this week.                   duction and more activity,” he said during the
                           Speaking at a seminar hosted by the Diario   seminar.
                         Rio Negro newspaper, the secretary said he   Omar Gutierrez, the governor of Neuquen
                         expected the bill to be ready for submission to   Province, indicated at the same event that he
                         the National Congress in the near future. The   was in favour of the government’s efforts. Gut-
                         government officials who have been drafting   ierrez also urged the Fernandez administration
                         the proposed law and consulting with industry   to submit the draft law to the National Assembly
                         leaders and political figures on the issue are in   as soon as possible so that investors had time to
                         the final stages of their work, he said.  consider whether to commit to unconventional
                           The bill has been under discussion since   oil and gas projects in the Vaca Muerta shale
                         late 2019, when President Alberto Fernandez’s   formation. “The oil promotion law mustn’t take
                         administration announced that it would take   more than 90 days to become official, because
                         measures to promote investment in the hydro-  that is when companies close their budgets for
                         carbon sector. Martinez acknowledged that   the following year,” he said. ™
                         drawing up the law had been a slow process but
                         asserted that the lack of speed was justified. The
                         government has been working to build consen-
                         sus between Argentina’s various political parties,
                         companies, labour unions and local adminis-
                         trations because it wants the investment law to
                         remain successful over the long run, he said.
                           He did not say exactly when the legislation
                         would be submitted to the National Congress.
                         However, he indicated that Buenos Aires was
                         eager to move forward, saying: “We want it as
                         soon as possible.” (President Fernandez declared
                         last month that he intended to send the bill to
                         legislators before the end of this year.)
                           According to Martinez, the investment bill is
                         designed to offer investors long-term stability in
                         tax and exchange rates, as well as incentives for
                         production, exports and investment in capac-
                         ity. The incentives will be offered to companies
                         that establish underground natural gas storage   Energy Secretary Dario Martinez (Photo: Twitter/@dariomartinezpj)

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            and the Production-Sharing Contract for the  is US$ 29.4 billion, which will be recovered as
                                           Suplus of the Transfer of Rights for the Búzios  Cost Oil by the contractors. Since Petrobras has
       Petrobras signs Búzios              field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt area.  a 90% stake in the consortium of this contract,
                                                                                the amount referring to the 10% stake of the
                                              The negotiations started right after the bid-
       co-participation agreement          ding process, held on November 6, 2019, in  partners CNOOC and CNODC, in the amount
                                           which Petrobras acquired 90% of the rights to  of US$ 2.94 billion, will be received in cash by
       Petrobras informs that it signed today with Pré-  explore and produce the surplus volume of the  Petrobras on the effective date of the Agreement.
       sal Petróleo SA (PPSA) and its partners CNODC  Transfer of Rights from Búzios field, in partner-  With the effective start of the agreement,
       Brasil Petróleo e Gás (CNODC) and CNOOC  ship with CNODC (5%) and CNOOC (5%).  the participation in the Búzios reservoir will be
       Petroleum Brasil (CNOOC) the Búzios Co-par-  Thus, the value of the total compensation  92.666% for Petrobras and 3.667% for each of the
       ticipation Agreement, which will regulate the  due to the Transfer of Rights Agreement (100%  partners.
       coexistence of the Transfer of Rights Agreement  Petrobras) for the Production Sharing Contract   Petrobras, June 12 2021

       Week 24   17•June•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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