Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 24 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       In connection with this extension, the Com-  rigs due to improved market conditions.  leading portfolio of technologies and services,
       pany and our Mexican partner have entered   Borr Drilling, June 15 2021  and a ‘one team’ approach to project delivery.”
       into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)                                   The Bacalhau Field is located 185 km from
       to make certain changes in the structures of the   Equinor awards Subsea   the coast of the municipality of Ilhabela, in the
       joint ventures, where our Mexican partner will                           state of São Paulo, at a water depth of 2,050
       buy Borr Drilling’s 49% stake of the integrated   Integration Alliance EPCI   metres. Bacalhau is Brazil’s first integrated SPS
       services JVs Opex and Akal (the IWS JVs). The                            and SURF project. The award is a significant
       transaction is expected to free up a gross amount   contract for Bacalhau  endorsement of Subsea Integration Alliance’s
       of $28mn for Borr Drilling, representing historic                        strong position within the integrated market
       profits in the IWS JVs and some settlements of  Schlumberger announced today an award to  and our long-established local presence in Brazil.
       other payables, which is incremental to the day-  Subsea Integration Alliance of a large contract by   Schlumberger, June 15 2021
       rate earnings resulting from the provision of  Equinor on its Bacalhau project offshore Brazil.
       drilling services.                  The contract scope covers the engineering, pro-  Archer receives extension
         Simultaneously, Borr Drilling will acquire  curement, construction and installation (EPCI)
       an incremental 2% stake of the joint ventures  of the subsea production systems (SPS) and sub-  from PAE for drilling services
       performing drilling services (the ‘Drilling JVs’)  sea pipelines (SURF).
       from the Mexican partner, and by that hold a   The development will include 19 trees as well   contract in Argentina
       51% majority ownership position. The Drill-  as associated subsea equipment including subsea
       ing JVs will continue to earn day rates from its  wellheads, subsea controls and connection sys-  Archer has announced that Pan American
       main customers Opex and Akal through regular  tems, and a full completion workover riser. The  Energy has provided a two year extension noti-
       drilling contracts. This will streamline the Com-  SURF scope comprises rigid risers, flowlines,  fication for Archer’s drilling, workover and pull-
       pany’s Mexican operation, reduce our risk, and  and umbilicals.          ing services contract for Pan American’s Cerro
       over time lead to a more stable cash-flow. The   The Subsea Integration Alliance team estab-  Dragon field in the Golfo San Jorge basin in
       Company expects to close the transaction within  lished during the initial front-end engineering  southern Argentina. Pan American has the flex-
       the third quarter of 2021.          design phase, awarded in January 2020, will now  ibility to adjust the level of activity up or down
         As of the end of Q1-2021, Borr Drilling  transition into the full EPCI phase. Project man-  over the contract term. The total estimated value
       reported a receivable balance of $30.3mn from  agement and detailed engineering will take place  of the contract extension, based on current activ-
       its related parties, mainly representing bareboat  in Rio de Janeiro. Offshore activities will com-  ity level, is expected to be $200mn, subject to
       revenue and other earnings due from the Drill-  mence in 2022 using Subsea 7’s reel-lay, flex-lay  actual activity level, services provided, and final
       ing JVs. In addition, the Drilling JVs has a posi-  and light construction vessels.  contract terms which are to be negotiated.
       tive working capital balance and retained profits   “This award reflects our commitment to   Dag Skindlo, CEO of Archer, commented:
       attributable to Borr Drilling. The $28mn gross  enhance the performance of Equinor’s Bacalhau  “Pan American is a leading player in the oil
       settlement for the transaction is in addition to  field through an open collaboration approach,  and gas industry in Argentina and this contract
       this amount.                        with the integration and application of inno-  extension reflects their confidence in Archer’s
         The cash generated by the Company’s 13  vative subsea technology solutions building on  ability to deliver safe and cost-effective opera-
       operating rigs is expected to cover the finance,  Schlumberger’s high pressure and deepwater  tions in Argentina.”
       stacking and G&A cash cost for the third quar-  expertise,” said Donnie Ross, president, Produc-  Archer, June 10 2021
       ter 2021. Additionally, with improved regularity  tion Systems, Schlumberger. “At the same time,
       in payments from Pemex, continued operation  this will have a positive impact on the regional   PGS delivers rejuvenated
       of Borr Drilling’s rigs in Mexico until 2022, the  economy through in-country value creation.”
       proceeds from the sale of the IWS JVs, and an   “We have worked closely with Equinor since   data for Santos West
       overall activity for the Company in excess of 13  the FEED award back in 2020,” said Stuart
       rigs should provide the Company with sufficient  Fitzgerald, CEO, Subsea Integration Alliance  PGS has revitalised 3D data over the Bauna field
       liquidity runway until the current debt matur-  LLC. “Now in the EPCI phase, we will support  in southwest Santos Basin and its surrounding
       ities in 2023. The Company is also optimistic  Equinor in maximising the Bacalhau field’s  area. This preprocessed dataset is now available
       about re-activations of additional warm stacked  potential through Subsea Integration Alliance’s  for evaluation of blocks for Brazil’s upcoming
                                                                                Permanent Offer Round.
                                                                                  The data rejuvenation of legacy survey BM-S-
                                                                                40 started from field tapes and applied the latest
                                                                                workflow for data conditioning, noise, and mul-
                                                                                tiple suppression to create a new 2,500-square
                                                                                km pre-processed dataset.
                                                                                  The results, now available, can be input into
                                                                                new model building and imaging workflows,
                                                                                allowing a quicker evaluation of opportunities
                                                                                in the area. This is good news for companies that
                                                                                would like to nominate blocks in an area that is
                                                                                part of Brazil’s Permanent Offer Bid Round.
                                                                                  Using a subset of the preprocessed data, PGS
                                                                                has also produced a high-resolution PSTM over
                                                                                the Bauna field.
                                                                                PGS, June 09 2021

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