Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 24 2021
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INVESTMENT amount of $1.5bn through its wholly-owned
subsidiary Petrobras Global Finance (PGF).
Petrobras concludes sale 2021, as disclosed to the market, representing the
The pricing of the Notes occurred on June 2,
of onshore field in Sergipe lowest issuance yield for a 30-year bond issued
by Petrobras.
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed The offering was 6.2 times oversubscribed,
on May 8, 2020, informs that it has today final- including the participation of 426 investors
ised the sale of its 50% interest in the Dó-Ré-Mi from the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin
onshore field, located in the Sergipe-Alagoas America.
Basin, in the state of Sergipe, to the company The terms are as follows: Amount: $1.5bn;
Centro-Oeste Óleo e Gás Ltda. Coupon: 5.500%; Reopening price: 96.446%;
After fulfilling the previous conditions, the Yield to Maturity: 5.750%; Maturity: June 10,
operation was concluded for the sale price of 2051; Interest payment dates: June 10 and
$37.6 thousand, which had already been paid December 10 of each year; Ratings: BB- (Fitch)
to Petrobras on the date the purchase and sale / Ba2 (Moody’s) / BB- (S&P); CUSIP/ ISIN:
agreement was signed, on May 8, 2020. 71647NBJ7 / US71647NBJ72.
The Dó-Ré-Mi field is part of the BT-SEAL- PGF intends to use the net proceeds from
13A onshore concession, which is located south the sale of the Notes to repurchase the notes that
of the Carmópolis field, in the Sergipe-Alagoas PGF accepts for purchase in the tender offers exploration, production, and supply of con-
Basin, in the state of Sergipe. Petrobras had a announced concurrently with the offering of the ventional natural gas. Its primary objective is to
50% stake in the Dó-Ré-Mi field in partnership Notes. generate value for all its stakeholders in a sus-
with Ubuntu Engenharia e Serviços, which is Petrobras, June 10 2021 tainable, collaborative, co-responsible, respect-
the operator and holds the remaining 50%. The ful, and transparent way. Thanks to the transition
Dó-Ré-Mi field has two gas discovery wells. to natural gas, the Corporation now has a more
Petrobras, June 14 2021 ESG environmentally friendly value proposition that
contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions in
Petrobras comments on Canacol Energy provides Colombia and a more efficient use of resources.
Canacol also continues to support its neighbour-
stake in BR Distribuidora update on its ESG strategy ing communities in essential social projects such
as access to water and utility gas, productive pro-
Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed Canacol Energy is pleased to provide the follow- jects, construction and improvement of public
on August 26, 2020, informs that it sent today to ing information concerning its ESG Strategy & and community infrastructure, technical and
Petrobras Distribuidora (BR) a letter requesting 2020 Sustainability Report. university scholarships, among others.
co-operation to implement the secondary public Charle Gamba, President and CEO of the All of the actions that Canacol carries out
offering (follow-on) for the sale of its remaining Corporation, commented: “In a constantly in response and benefit of its stakeholders are
37.50% interest in the capital stock of that com- changing world we believe in the critical role framed in our sustainability model and are
pany whose execution will be subject, among of natural gas in energy transition, and we fully based on our corporate values, strategies and
other factors, to market conditions, the approval support the global plans to meet the goals of the objectives from an ESG perspective. With the
of Petrobras’ internal bodies, notably as to price, Paris Agreement. Specifically, in Colombia, we goal of becoming a leading company in sustain-
and the analysis of the Brazilian Securities and are committed to contribute to the country’s ability, continuous improvement has become a
Exchange Commission (CVM), under the terms goal of 51% emissions reduction by 2030. As fundamental axis within Canacol. As a result,
of the applicable legislation. leaders in the production of the cleanest-burn- Canacol created a comprehensive model focused
This communication should not be consid- ing hydrocarbon, we are committed to supplying on implementing and leading best practices in
ered as an announcement of an offer in Brazil, the increasing energy demand while reducing corporate sustainability affairs at a global level.
the United States or any other jurisdiction. This carbon emissions, improving air quality, and Canacol is committed to further developing
operation is aligned with the portfolio optimi- developing conditions for the growth and devel- its six-year ESG strategy that has four priorities:
sation and the improvement of the company’s opment of Colombia’s economy and its people. A cleaner energy future: Deliver natural gas
capital allocation, aiming at generating value for “It is worth noting that we produce almost under the highest environmental and opera-
its shareholders. pure (97%+) methane without any significant tional efficiency standards.
Petrobras, June 11 2021 quantities of natural gas liquids, condensate, A safe and committed team: Maintain best-
light oil, water, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, sul- in-class health and safety practices and promote
phur, or other gas or impurities. The pure nature a diverse and inclusive culture.
FINANCE of our produced gas stream allows sales via the A transparent and ethical business: Adopt
gas distribution grid after only minimal, energy the best practices, encourage respect for
Petrobras concludes $1.5bn efficient processing, thereby reducing operating human rights and ensure ethics and integrity in
costs and supporting high rates of return & low everything Canacol does.
offering of global notes carbon footprint. We recognise that sustainabil- A society guided by sustainable development:
ity is an essential path for generating value for all Promote and maintain close and transparent
Petrobras announces that today it concluded our stakeholders.” relationships that guarantee Canacol’s nearby
the offering of its 5.500% Global Notes due June Canacol’s objective is to provide cleaner communities’ growth and quality of life.
2051 in the international capital market in the energy to millions of people through the Canacol Energy, June 10 2021
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 24 17•June•2021