Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       to deliver the most comprehensive capabilities   MOVES                   ENERGY TRANSITION
       for subsurface data – in alignment with
       the emerging requirements of the OSDU™   Silver Hill Energy              Caddo Sustainable
       Technical Standard, a new open industry
       standard for energy data – the Enterprise   Partners closes $1.02bn      Timberlands announces
       Data Solution makes data accessible on an
       unprecedented scale for the global energy   fund focused on direct       first carbon capture and
         This technology enables customers to   investments in premier oil  storage transaction,
       integrate subsurface data with technologies
       and workflows from multiple vendors. It is   and gas basins across the  targeting permanent
       a single, open and interoperable platform
       with embedded artificial intelligence (AI)   US                          sequestration of more than
       and powerful data management tools,
       which support and accelerate scalable, data-  Silver Hill Energy Partners, announced   9mn tonnes of CO2 annually
       driven decision making at all levels of the   today that it has closed the franchise’s third
       organisation.                       partnership and first institutional private   Caddo Sustainable Timberlands (CST), the
         Microsoft Energy Data Services is a fully   equity fund, Silver Hill Energy Partners III,   largest private timberland owner in Texas,
       managed, enterprise-grade OSDU data   representing total capital commitments of   has announced it has entered into its first
       platform co-built with domain expertise from   $1,020,000,000.           agreement for the evaluation and potential
       Schlumberger, which powers the Enterprise   The partnership has formed Silver Hill   development of a carbon capture and storage
       Data Solution. Supported by a global network   Energy Partners III, Silver Hill III Midstream   (CCS) project on approximately 27,000 acres
       of specialist development centres around the   and other regional affiliates, which is focused   of CST’s holdings in Texas.
       world including the US, India and Europe,   on the direct acquisition and development of   The project aims to permanently store
       the companies work together to continuously   operated onshore oil, natural gas and related   carbon dioxide (CO2) in subsurface geologic
       bring new capabilities to market, as well as to   infrastructure assets in premier basins across   formations through a process that is not
       provide sales, service and technical support.  the US.                   associated with enhanced oil recovery, while
         “A global cloud-based data solution,   “Silver Hill is strongly committed to   CST continues to sustainably manage the
       developed by Schlumberger and powered   responsible and environmentally-conscious   timberland on the surface.
       by the Microsoft Cloud, means the energy   development of energy resources in the   CST’s timberland has the potential to
       industry can confidently and fully embrace   United States,” said Silver Hill Founder,   offer suitable subsurface geology for storage
       its digital transformation,” said Rajeev   president and CEO Kyle D. Miller. “Through   of CO2. It is also located close to both
       Sonthalia, president, Digital & Integration,   our direct partnership with like-minded   existing and planned CO2 transportation
       Schlumberger. “Together, Schlumberger’s   institutional partners, we are uniquely   and injection infrastructure and sources of
       energy and subsurface data expertise and   positioned to make rapid decisions as   CO2 from industrial emitters. The agreement
       Microsoft’s experience in scaling cloud-based   attractive oil and gas assets become available   is the first step in CST’s strategic vision for
       data solutions in an open interoperable data   for acquisition.”         leasing and helping develop multiple CCS
       platform, have successfully unlocked the   Miller added: “We have a tenured,   projects across its 889,000 acres in Texas and
       full potential of data. Accelerating time to   multi-disciplinary team of leaders who have   Louisiana.
       value from AI and digital solutions creates   experience building and managing large-  Patrick Chambless, chief financial
       significant new opportunities to increase   scale oil and gas companies; operating and   officer of CST, said: “We are excited to
       productivity and boost performance. This is   developing oil and gas assets; and sourcing,   explore this opportunity to unlock this new
       the future of data management for the energy   evaluating and underwriting oil and gas   potential dimension of our timberland asset.
       industry.”                          investments. I particularly want to thank our   This agreement is part of CST’s broader
         “A critical aspect of the energy transition   partners for providing their full support as   commitment to delivering significant climate
       process is harnessing data solutions that   we continue to grow this strong franchise   and environmental impacts, including
       improve decision making and increase   with Silver Hill III. Our goal, as always, is to   through CCS, carbon removals, renewable
       operational efficiency,” said Scott Guthrie,   generate compelling risk-adjusted returns   energy development, mitigation banking and
       executive vice president, Cloud + AI Group,   and outcomes for all of our stakeholders,   conservation easements.”
       Microsoft. “The Schlumberger Enterprise   including our investing partners, the   CADDO SUSTAINABLE TIMBERLANDS,
       Data Solution, powered by Microsoft Energy   communities in which we operate and the   September 19, 2022
       Data Services and built on Microsoft Azure,   landowners, employees, and contractors we
       enables organisations in the energy industry   support.”
       to gain greater control of their data and   SILVER HILL ENERGY PARTNERS, September
       unlock insights that accelerate their journey to   21, 2022
       data modernisation.”
       SCHLUMBERGER, September 21, 2022

       Week 38   22•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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