Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                Martinez renewables project. All required
                                                                                closing conditions have been met, including
                                                                                the receipt of the necessary permits and
                                                                                regulatory approvals.
                                                                                  The partnership, to be called Martinez
                                                                                Renewables, is structured as a 50/50 joint
                                                                                venture, with Neste to contribute a total of
                                                                                $1bn, inclusive of half of the total project
                                                                                development costs projected at $1.2bn
                                                                                through the completion of the project. MPC
                                                                                will continue to manage the completion of
                                                                                the conversion project and will operate the
       Line system, formerly known as Plantation,   operations in the second half of 2024.  facility once construction is complete. The
       for inbound product deliveries. The dual   “With significant long-term volume   annual feedstock supply requirements are split
       connectivity of the terminal to both the   commitments from several leading   between the joint venture partners, which
       Colonial Pipeline and the Products (SE) Pipe   Haynesville shale producers, including   include specific commitments to supply
       Line systems allows customers using the   Chesapeake Energy, we are pleased to reach   advantaged feedstocks. The annual production
       Charlotte truck terminal more optionality   a positive FID on our new gathering and   output will be shared evenly between the joint
       and security of supply. The terminal, which   treating project, which, combined with our   venture partners, and each partner will have
       offers customers throughput capacity of   existing capacity on the Midcoast system, will   the ability to market its share of the products.
       approximately 15,000 bpd, is also undergoing   serve to address bottlenecks in the Haynesville   The JV, being optimally located to strengthen
       further capacity expansion and environmental   shale and provide much needed capacity to   both partners’ footprint in renewable fuels,
       projects, including the addition of a third   the growing LNG markets on the Gulf Coast,”   will utilise existing processing infrastructure
       loading bay and vapour recovery unit along   said Frank Tsuru, CEO of Momentum. “Our   and diverse inbound and outbound logistics.
       with improved truck logistics and customer   customers are also excited to be part of the   “This transaction reflects MPC’s
       experience technology.              first of its kind net negative gas gathering   commitment to provide low carbon-intensity
       COLONIAL PIPELINE TERMINALS, September   project.”                       feedstocks to support California’s Low
       21, 2022                               Mr. Tsuru added: “Consistent with our   Carbon Fuel Standard goals. We expect the
                                           past business practices, Chesapeake Energy’s   partnership to improve the overall economics
       M6 Midstream announces              anchor commitment for NG3 comes with an   of the project through the improved
                                                                                procurement of advantaged feedstock,” said
                                           option to own 35% of the project, creating
       final investment decision           alignment between Momentum and one of   President and Chief Executive Officer Michael
                                           the largest Haynesville shale producers.”
                                                                                J. Hennigan. “This strategic partnership also
       and completes two                   ETX and Align Midstream, Momentum    creates a platform for additional collaboration
                                              With the combined assets of Midcoast
                                                                                within renewables. We believe there will be
       acquisitions to establish           is currently servicing volumes in excess of   opportunities to leverage the differentiated
                                           2.0 bcf per day across a footprint including
                                                                                knowledge and capabilities of two industry
       a leading presence in the           approximately 3,000 miles of gathering   leaders as we pursue our shared commitment
                                           pipelines, 1.5 bcf per day of treating capacity,
                                                                                to the energy evolution and goal of leading in
       Haynesville shale                   700 mmcf per day of processing capacity,   sustainable energy.”
                                                                                  The first phase of the Martinez renewables
                                           200,000 HP of compression and 820 miles of
       M6 Midstream (Momentum) today       transportation pipelines delivering gas to the   project facility is currently targeted to be
       announced a final investment decision   Gulf Coast markets in southeast Texas and the   mechanically complete by year-end 2022.
       (FID) on its new natural gas gathering and   Carthage and Bethel markets in east Texas.   Initial production capacity is expected to be
       carbon capture project, New Generation   The assets serve a diverse customer base   260mn gallons per year of renewable fuels.
       Gas Gathering (NG3), which will gather   comprised of producers, utilities, end-users   Pretreatment capabilities are expected to come
       natural gas produced in the Haynesville   and LNG exporters.             online in the second half of 2023 and the
       Shale for re-delivery to premium Gulf Coast   M6 MIDSTREAM, September 22, 2022  facility is expected to be capable of producing
       markets, including LNG export. In addition,                              730mn gallons per year by the end of 2023.
       the company completed the acquisitions                                   MARATHON PETROLEUM, September 21, 2022
       of Midcoast Energy’s East Texas business   DOWNSTREAM
       (Midcoast ETX) from an affiliate of ArcLight
       Capital Partners and Align Midstream   Marathon Petroleum                SERVICES
       from Tailwater Capital to establish a leading
       presence in the Haynesville shale.  announces closing of                 Schlumberger launches
         With the final investment decision, the
       natural gas gathering and carbon capture   Martinez Renewables JV        enterprise data solution
       project will have an initial capacity of 1.7
       bcf per day and is expandable to 2.2 bcf per   with Neste                Schlumberger today announced the
       day and will also capture and permanently                                commercial release of the Schlumberger
       sequester up to 2.0mn tonnes per annum of   Marathon Petroleum today announced the   Enterprise Data Solution, which is powered by
       CO2. The project is expected to commence   closing of its joint venture with Neste for the   Microsoft Energy Data Services. Developed

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   22•September•2022
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