Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            MIDSTREAM                            County and pro forma for the transaction, we
                                                                                continue to expect over 50 new wells behind
       Silverstone Energy Partners  Summit Midstream Partners                   our liquids system in 2023. Pro forma for the
                                                                                transaction, SMLP will have approximately
       announces $14mn project  announces sale of its Bison                     $90mn drawn on its $400mn ABL Credit
                                                                                Facility, resulting in over $300mn of available
       equity financing for Ocean  gas-gathering system in                      liquidity. We continue to expect to trend
                                                                                toward the high end of our 2022 Adjusted
       Oil’s acquisition and               North Dakota                         EBITDA guidance range of $205mn to
       development of Permian              Summit Midstream Partners announced   SUMMIT MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, September
                                           today that its wholly owned subsidiary,
                                                                                19, 2022
       Basin properties                    Summit Midstream Holdings, signed and
                                           closed on the sale of Bison Midstream,
       Silverstone Energy Partners provided a project  its gas-gathering system in Burke and   Colonial Pipeline Terminals
       equity financing to fund the acquisition of   Mountrail Counties, North Dakota to Steel   continues expanding
       Delaware Basin New Mexico oil and gas   Reef Infrastructure Corp. (“Steel Reef” or
       properties by Ocean Oil. Ocean is a Denver-  the “company” through its wholly owned   service offerings to
       based private E&P led by Brooke O’Neal.  subsidiary Steel Reef US Corp.), an integrated
         Marshall Lynn Bass, managing director of   owner and operator of associated gas   customers
       Silverstone, said: “We are excited to provide   capture, gathering and processing assets in
       Ocean with capital to purchase and develop   North Dakota and Saskatchewan, for cash   Colonial Pipeline Terminals has reached
       this attractive, non-op asset. The asset is at an   consideration of $40mn, subject to customary   several significant milestones in the
       inflection point, with the operator drilling 39   transaction adjustments.  construction of its new Austell Terminal near
       new horizontal wells in a short period. We   Heath Deneke, president, chief executive   Atlanta while completing a new pipeline
       benefit from the resultant boost in production   officer and chairman, commented: “We are   connection at its Charlotte terminal as the
       while the seller is able to re-direct their capex   pleased to announce this strategic transaction   company expands service to offer additional
       dollars to other projects.”         with Steel Reef. In combination with the   options to customers.
         Brooke O’Neal, founder and CEO of   previously announced divesture of the Lane   Colonial Pipeline Terminals, a subsidiary
       Ocean, added: “We’ve established a reputation   gathering and processing system earlier   of Colonial Enterprises and an affiliate of
       of consistently closing acquisitions or farm-ins  this summer, the sale of Bison Midstream   Colonial Pipeline Company, completed
       of non-op, unconventional properties to help   represents a continuation of our strategy to   foundation work and continues steel erection
       owners avoid the capital disruption of their   streamline our portfolio of assets through   and piping installation at the Austell site. The
       own internal project needs. Silverstone has   balance sheet enhancing transactions while   terminal, which will be located adjacent to
       expanded our capabilities even further.”  building additional financial flexibility to   Colonial Pipeline Company’s Atlanta Junction
         “This acquisition was on the smaller side   reinvest in more strategic scale-building   Tank Farm, is the first new construction by
       of our capabilities but has huge strategic value   opportunities across our footprint. With the   Colonial Pipeline Terminals and is expected
       to Brooke and her team,” continued Bass.   sale of Bison Midstream, Summit’s focus   to be operational in the first half of 2023.
       “We stand ready to help them with similar   in the Williston Basin will be on growing   “While there are existing assets in
       transactions.”                      its crude oil and produced water gathering   the marketplace, we are excited that our
       SILVERSTONE ENERGY PARTNERS, September   systems primarily located in Williams   customers recognize the value and benefits
       20, 2022                            and Divide Counties, North Dakota. We   we are able to offer through the development
                                           remain excited about the level of customer   of this new facility,” said Dan Gordon, Senior
                                           development activity in central Williams   Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer
                                                                                of Colonial Enterprises, Inc. “This is an
                                                                                incredibly exciting time for Colonial Pipeline
                                                                                  Once operational, the Austell Terminal will
                                                                                be modern, technology focused, and driven
                                                                                by efficient loading operations, with improved
                                                                                driver productivity and trucking logistics in
                                                                                mind. Fuel truck drivers should experience
                                                                                quicker load times because the loading rack is
                                                                                designed for all products to be available from
                                                                                all lanes, eliminating the need to requeue to
                                                                                fill out a load. The terminal will have an initial
                                                                                capacity of 30,000 barrels per day (bpd), with
                                                                                expansion potential to support the growing
                                                                                Southeast market.
                                                                                  Colonial Pipeline Terminals also recently
                                                                                completed the connection of its Charlotte
                                                                                truck terminal to the Products (SE) Pipe

       Week 38   22•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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