Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 38 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         Other priorities                     forfeit over CAD200mn ($145mn) in order to
                         While Woodside talked up the diversity of the  abandon the two exploration licences.
                         portfolio it had gained via the merger, as well as   “This will be a significant sum, and we’re
                         the growth opportunities it had gained across  going to look at it internally,” Parsons said.
                         both the oil and gas and new energy segments,
                         it did not appear to view the Orphan Basin  What next?
                         licences as core assets. In the company’s sec-  Woodside’s withdrawal comes as a blow to New-
                         ond-quarter report, it showed that it had been  foundland and Labrador, which hopes to reap
                         focusing its exploration drilling efforts on the US  the rewards of further exploration and produc-
                         Gulf of Mexico. While two of the exploration or  tion in its waters.
                         appraisal wells out of four listed had been drilled   Parsons said the company’s move illustrated
                         before the merger was completed, this nonethe-  the volatility of the oil industry, but that it came
                         less illustrated that Woodside’s focus was likely  as no surprise in the wake of the merger.
                         not going to be on Atlantic Canada.   “They’ve made a strategic decision that this is
                           In its report for the first half of 2022, Woodside  not where their interests lie,” he said.
                         also mentioned seismic surveying work carried   Parsons said he had met representatives of
                         out offshore Australia in May and Egypt in July.  BHP prior to the merger, but had not had dis-
                         The company’s strategy when it comes to capital  cussions with Woodside about its decision to   Woodside was
                         allocation for offshore oil resources is to focus  abandon the region. He added, however, that
                         on high-return assets that will be quick to bring  there was nothing the provincial government   not deterred by
                         to market, with a shorter payback period. It is  could have done to make the company stay.  the penalty it
                         seeking an internal rate of return (IRR) of 15%   The province continues to hope that higher
                         and payback within five years.       oil prices, as well as the recent federal approval   was required to
                           Additionally, Woodside’s CEO, Meg O’Neill,  of Equinor’s Bay du Nord project, will help
                         had recently talked up LNG as being the com-  attract additional exploration to the region. The   pay in order to
                         pany’s core product as it looked ahead to the  government is targeting a doubling of oil pro-
                         coming years.                        duction to over 650,000 barrels per day (bpd)   relinquish the
                           It appears likely that the Orphan Basin  by 2030, as well as the drilling of over 100 new   licences.
                         licences were not seen as being aligned with  exploration wells over that period.
                         these targets, given their undeveloped nature   The targets are ambitious given that oil and
                         and the higher risk this represents.  gas companies continue to approach offshore
                           Indeed, Woodside was not deterred by the  exploration with more caution, even in a higher
                         penalty it was required to pay in order to relin-  oil price environment. However, a number of
                         quish the licences. Newfoundland and Labrador  operators – including super-majors – are plan-
                         Minister of Energy Andrew Parsons told CBC  ning to drill exploration wells in Newfoundland
                         News that when operators choose not to move  and Labrador’s waters in the near and medium
                         forward with offshore exploration, they are  term. The provincial government will be hoping
                         required to forfeit around 25% of the value of  that the results of those exploratory efforts serve
                         their bid. As a result, Woodside would have to  to encourage further drilling.™

       Week 38   22•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P5
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