Page 4 - DMEA Week 47 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Aramco pulls out of one Indian

       deal, announces another

       Reliance and Aramco have called off their planned $15bn downstream tie-up while
       the Saudi firm has already started talks with ONGC for major crude offtake deals.

        MIDDLE EAST      SAUDI Aramco and India’s Reliance Industries  Ambani Green Energy Giga Complex alongside
                         Ltd this week called off a major downstream  its world-leading downstream facility at Jamna-
                         deal following years of talks, but the Saudi firm  gar. The new facility will include units for fuel
       WHAT:             wasted no time in opening discussions with  cells, integrated solar photovoltaic modules,
       The deal would have   another Indian state giant for crude offtake.  batteries and electrolysers for producing green
       added Reliance’s massive   With the multi-billion dollar Reliance deal  hydrogen.
       Jamnagar refining   now appearing to have been scrapped altogether,   The solar module facility will have an initial
       complex to Aramco’s   Aramco and Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC)  capacity of 4 GW and the company has plans to
       gross refining capacity,   signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)  expand this to 10 GW.
       achieving one of its key   to explore potential supply deals.  Reliance O2C owns and operates a refining
       long-term downstream                                   slate of 1.82mn bpd comprised of the world’s
       goals.            RIL breakdown                        largest refining complex at Jamnagar and
                         Reliance said it and Aramco had come to a  another sizeable facility located within the Jam-
       WHY:              mutual decision to scrap a planned deal for the  nagar Special Economic Zone. It also has 38.4mn
       Talks broke down   latter to acquire a 20% stake in the former’s spun-  tpy of petrochemicals capacity, which processes
       amid talk of Reliance’s   off oil-to-chemicals (O2C) division.  around 60% of its refining output.
       strategic refocus on clean   Noting that the company’s strategic focus was   The division also comprises a bulk wholesale
       and renewable energies,   shifting towards renewables, Reliance added that  marketing business, a fuel retail arm which com-
       though the parties are   it would also no longer spin off the O2C division.  prises a 51% stake in a JV with BP and oil trading
       understood to remain   “Due to evolving nature of Reliance’s busi-  subsidiaries in Singapore and the UK.
       keen to collaborate   ness portfolio, Reliance and Saudi Aramco   Talks between Aramco and Reliance had
       despite failure to agree   have mutually determined that it would be  been running since August 2019, when Ambani
       on a deal.        beneficial for both parties to re-evaluate the  announced that the two companies had “agreed
                         proposed investment in O2C business in light  to form a long-term partnership in our oils to
       WHAT NEXT:        of the changed context,” it said. Aramco is yet  chemicals division […] This signifies the perfect
       An MoU with ONGC   to comment on the deal, which was seen adding  synergy between the world’s largest oil producer
       appears likely to lead   364,000 barrels per day (bpd) and 7.7mn tonnes  and world’s biggest integrated refinery and pet-
       to long-term crude and   per year (tpy) to the company’s net global refin-  rochemicals complex.”
       refined product supply   ing and petrochemicals capacities.  He added that while the deal was subject to
       deals that will give   The move follows a pledge by Reliance owner  due diligence, by ensuring Aramco crude is used
       Aramco a firm footing in   Mukesh Ambani in June that the company  as feedstock for the refinery, the deal could pay
       India.            would invest around $10bn in low-carbon ener-  for itself within 18 months.
                         gies over the next three years and investments   The 20% stake was to cost Aramco around
                         in Norwegian solar module maker REC Solar  $15bn based on a Reliance O2C valuation of
                         (100% for $771mn) and renewables service firm  $75bn. According to various well-placed sources
                         Sterling & Wilson Solar (40% for $379mn).  speaking to financial and industry publications
                           Under plans to become net-zero by 2035,  in recent months, the transaction was to take the
                         Reliance will develop a $8.2bn Dhirubhai  form of an all-stock deal, the first since Aramco’s


       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 47   25•November•2021
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