Page 13 - DMEA Week 27 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                           PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Pipeline explosion kills

       three in southern Iran

        MIDDLE EAST      AN oil pipeline explosion killed three workers  on NIOC to take the necessary steps to help
                         and injured four others in south-west Iran this  workers and their families in the area and to send
                         week during work to repair the conduit.  health, safety, and environment (HSE) teams to
                           The Iranian Central Oil Fields Co. (ICOFC)  investigate the cause of the blast, according to
                         announced that a gas leak in the 20-inch (508-  official energy sector media outlet Shana.
                         mm) Cheshmeh Khosh-Ahvaz line had caused   The pipeline is 153 km long and transports up
                         the explosion during a routine overhaul.  to 120,000 barrels per day (bpd) of crude.
                           The company released a statement saying:   ICOFC operates onshore oilfields located
                         “Unfortunately, several employees of the opera-  to the north of the remit of the National Ira-
                         tional department present at the site of the explo-  nian South Oil Co. (NISOC) as well as several
                         sion were killed and injured in this incident.”  onshore gas assets. These yield production of
                           ICOFC, which is a subsidiary of the National  around 200,000 bpd of crude and 10bn cubic feet
                         Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC), said that the fire was  (283,000 cubic metres) per day, according to data
                         contained and extinguished after the explosion,  from Wood Mackenzie.
                         with rescue teams and other support groups sent   While Cheshmeh Khosh was discovered in
                         to the scene to help those injured.  1964 and came into production in 1975, only its
                           Meanwhile, Adnan Ghazi, governor of the  Asmari reservoir has been significantly devel-
                         nearby town of Shoush, told the Islamic Republic  oped so far, with the Bangestan reservoir still to
                         News Agency (IRNA): “The accident took place  be tapped.
                         … today, Tuesday, due to an explosion caused by   Output from the field is around 18,000 bpd
                         a gas leak at the pipeline [pumping] station.”  of crude and 115 mmcf per day of gas, though
                           He added that three technicians were killed,  ICOFC is undertaking an enhanced recovery
                         with the four injured having been resting in a  project that is expected to raise output from an
                         nearby room at the time of the explosion.  anticipated 312-375mn barrels of oil in place
                           Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh called  (OIP).™

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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