Page 15 - DMEA Week 27 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           growth opportunities with Japan that can help   applications, including transportation, power
                                           produce more energy with fewer emissions.   generation, and industries including steel,
       ADNOC to explore hydrogen           JERA and JOGMEC provides a roadmap for   cement and fertilizer production.
                                             “This joint study agreement with INPEX,
                                                                                  In January, the UAE and Japan agreed
       opportunities with                  us to deepen access to Japanese markets for   to cooperate on fuel ammonia and carbon
                                                                                recycling technologies following the signing
                                           ADNOC’s products and further strengthen
       Japanese firms                      the UAE’s hydrogen value proposition.”  of a Memorandum of Cooperation between
                                                                                ADNOC and Japan’s METI. Both the UAE
                                             The UAE is aiming to expand bilateral
       The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company   economic and trade relations with Japan as   and Japan enjoy strong bilateral economic
       (ADNOC) announced today, a joint study   it drives post-Covid economic growth and   relations dating back to 1961 when the first
       agreement (JSA) with two Japanese companies  ADNOC is leveraging its status as a long-  shipment of UAE crude oil was exported from
       – INPEX Corporation (INPEX), JERA   standing reliable and stable supplier of oil   the Umm al-Shaif offshore field in Abu Dhabi
       Co., Inc. (JERA), and a government agency,   and gas to Japan to nurture new partnership   to Japan.
       the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National   opportunities between both countries. Japan   ADNOC has a long history of mutually
       Corporation (JOGMEC) – to explore   is ADNOC’s largest international importer of   beneficial strategic partnerships with Japanese
       the commercial potential of blue ammonia   oil and gas products with approximately 25%   oil and gas companies that span over four
       production in the United Arab Emirates   of its crude oil imported from the UAE.  decades and cover the entire oil and gas
       (UAE).                                H.E. Mr. Kajiyama said: In January, METI   value chain, and these partnerships have
         The agreement builds on ADNOC’s   and ADNOC signed a Momorandum of     strengthened in recent years.
       low-carbon fuels leadership and extensive   Cooperation (MOC) on Fuel Ammonia   ADNOC
       experience in carbon capture and storage   and Carbon Recycling. Since then, further
       and follows a virtual meeting between His   progress has been made among relevant   NNPC focuses on
       Excellency Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber,   entities, and we are pleased with the signing
       UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced   of JSA on fuel ammonia by ADNOC, INPEX,   infrastructure, liquidity,
       Technology and Managing Director and   JERA and JOGMEC today. Japan hope that
       Group CEO of ADNOC, and H.E. Kajiyama   today’s conclusion of JSA will lead to further   market linkages
       Hiroshi, Japan Minister of Economy, Trade,   progress in concrete efforts to the supply of
       and Industry (METI).                fuel ammonia from Abu Dhabi to Japan.  National oil company, the Nigerian National
         During the meeting, the ministers   The JSA will provide a platform for   Petroleum Corp. (NNPC), is keeping its
       reviewed joint efforts between both countries   ADNOC and its partners to explore supplying   vision to build midstream and downstream
       to enhance industrial cooperation and   Japanese utility companies with blue ammonia  backbone infrastructure, creating liquidity
       drive new opportunities for partnerships in   produced in Abu Dhabi.     and providing linkages to markets in the
       Hydrogen, renewables, and climate change   ADNOC is already embarking on a world-  Nigerian oil and gas space.
       following a series of framework agreements   scale blue ammonia production facility at the   Mele Kyari, the corporation’s group
       ADNOC signed with Japan’s METI as well as   TA’ZIZ Industrial Chemicals Zone in Ruwais   managing director, said this amid assurances
       other Japanese companies earlier this year.   which will have a capacity of 1,000 kilotons   that the NNPC is committed to ensuring
         H.E. Dr. Al Jaber said: “For almost five   per annum, and further opportunities in blue   effective stewardship of the nation’s
       decades, the  UAE and Japan have enjoyed   ammonia will be explored under the new   hydrocarbon resources to guarantee energy
       a deep-rooted and successful strategic   agreement.                      security and drive wealth creation in Nigeria.
       relationship, underpinned by long-standing   Blue ammonia is made from nitrogen   Kyari, delivering a keynote at the 2021
       energy partnerships. As we increase our   and “blue” hydrogen derived from natural   Nigeria Oil and Gas conference and exhibition
       focus on the potential of new lower carbon   gas feedstocks, with the carbon dioxide by-  in Abuja, said the corporation has completed
       fuels and navigate the energy transition, the   product from hydrogen production captured   the Escravos-Lagos Pipeline System (ELPS)
       UAE and ADNOC are keen to build and   and stored. Ammonia can be used as a low-  phase II project, thereby expanding the gas
       strengthen our existing partnerships and seize   carbon fuel across a wide range of industrial   supply channel for domestic gas utilization.

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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