Page 17 - DMEA Week 27 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       NDEP set to inaugurate              on business operations in 2020, NDEP   TERMINALS & SHIPPING
                                              He said despite the effect of the pandemic
       11,000bpd refinery                  -demonstrated its resilience by meeting all   Fire in ship at Dubai’s Jebel
                                           its obligations, attaining new milestones and
       The Niger Delta Exploration & Production   ended the year in profit albeit modestly with   Ali port under control
       Plc, an independent integrated energy   staff strength intact.” Jadesimi said, “We rose
       company, has said its refinery, with a   to the challenges posed by COVID-19 and   A fire on a ship at Dubai’s Jebel Ali Port,
       processing capacity of 11,000 barrels per day,   the prolonged lockdown. “The board and   the Middle East’s largest transshipment
       will be inaugurated soon.           management carefully monitored industry   hub, has been brought under control, the
         The company also announced the    developments and took steps to reposition   government’s Dubai Media Office (DMO)
       Department of Petroleum Resources’ approval   NDEP and its subsidiaries while sustaining   said on Wednesday. The fire was caused by
       for the introduction of hydrocarbon to the   efficiency and ensuring company survival.”  an explosion from a “normal accident” in a
       Train 3 of its Ogbele refinery.        He said with a profit after tax of N1.6bn   container holding flammable material, DMO
         Niger Delta Petroleum Resources, a   for the company and N16.8bn for the group,   Director General Mona Al Marri told Saudi-
       subsidiary of NDEP, had in 2010 inaugurated   the NDEP entered 2021 -on a solid financial   owned Al Arabiya television channel.
       a 1,000bpd mini refinery for the extraction   foundation.                  Earlier, DMO said in a statement that there
       of diesel from crude oil produced from the   He announced the appointments of Mr   were no casualties. It posted footage of water
       Ogbele field.                       Gbite Falade and Mr Adegbola Adesina as   being pumped to douse flames and debris at
         The Chairman of NDEP, Mr Ladi Jadesimi,   the group managing director/chief executive   the scene. Dubai in the United Arab Emirates
       was quoted in a statement as saying that this   and chief financial officer of the company,   is the region’s trade, business and tourism hub.
       would make the full-fledged refinery -the   respectively and thanked the pioneer MD/  “A fire caused by an explosion within a
       first of such privately owned and operated in   CEO, DD Layi Fatona, for coming out   container on board a ship at Jebel Ali Port
       Nigeria.                            of retirement to hold fort until Falade’s   has been brought under control; no casualties
         The statement said the company’s   appointment.                        have been reported,” DMO said on Twitter.
       shareholders at its 26th Annual General   Both appointments were ratified by the   It said the ship, which was not identified,
       Meeting on June 29, 2021, in Lagos, approved   shareholders at the AGM, according to the   was preparing to dock at one of the berths
       a dividend per share of N7.00 for the 2020   statement.                  “away from the port’s main shipping line”.
       financial year.                        Jadesimi said among the highlights of the   Al Arabiya cited the Dubai government as
         The company said it had consistently paid   company’s operations for 2020 was the 15th   saying the ship’s crew had been evacuated in
       dividends to shareholders for 15 years.  anniversary of first oil production from its   time. DP World, which owns Jebel Ali Port,
         Jadesimi said although the dividend of   Ogbele marginal oilfield.     had no immediate comment when contacted
       N7.00 was significantly lower than the record   He said the field had produced 20 million   by Reuters. Witnesses had heard a blast. Two
       N17 per share for the preceding year, it was a   barrels of oil, 95 billion standard cubic feet of   fire trucks and other emergency vehicles could
       prudent approach based on the effects of the   gas and over 160 million litres of diesel as at   be seen heading south of Dubai, one Reuters
       COVID-19 pandemic.                  the end of 2020.                     correspondent said. Port authorities are taking
         He said it also reflected NDEP’s solid   PUNCH                         the necessary measures to ensure normal
       fundamentals and commitment to its growth                                movement of ships, the DMO said.
       strategy and cash preservation.                                          ZAWYA

       Week 27   08•July•2021                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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