Page 10 - FSUOGM Week 37 2021
P. 10

FSUOGM                                            POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Kazakhstan replaces energy


        KAZAKHSTAN       KAZAKH Energy Minister Nurlan Nogayev has  time as a KMG board member.
                         stepped down after less than two years in the role,   Kazakhstan’s energy ministry oversees all
       The reason for    the country’s presidency reported on September  aspects of the country’s energy and hydrocarbon
       Nogayev's departure   7. His replacement is Magzum Mirzagaliyev,  policy, from oil and gas to refining and petro-
       was not given.    who formerly served as Kazakhstan’s natural  chemicals to coal and nuclear, electricity and the
                         resources minister.                  major oil projects governed by production-shar-
                           The reason for Nogayev’s departure was  ing agreements (PSAs).
                         not disclosed, although the presidency said he   Kazakhstan has a history of reshuffling its
                         would go on to serve as the head of Kazakhstan’s  energy ministry during times of difficulty. For-
                         western Mangystau region. Between 2007 and  mer President Nursultan Nazarbayev dropped
                         2016 he served in leadership positions in the  former minister Vladimir Shkolnik in March
                         West Kazakhstan region, eventually as its head  2016 following a steep collapse in oil prices.
                         between 2012 and 2016.               He was replaced by Kanat Bozumbayev, who
                           Nogayev was also a director of state-owned  held the position until late 2019, the year Naz-
                         KazMunayGas (KMG) for six months in 2016.  arbayev stepped down, when he was replaced by
                         Prior to this, he worked at the Kazakhturkmunai  Nogayev.
                         oil company, where he held positions in the oil   Kazakh oil production is currently con-
                         and oil product market.              strained because of the country’s OPEC+
                           Mirzagaliyev, before heading the natural  commitments. And the country has suffered
                         resources ministry, worked as deputy energy  some recent setbacks in its drive to develop
                         minister between November 2013 and June  petrochemicals, including Borealis’ with-
                         2019. During that time he was in charge of over-  drawal from a major polyethylene scheme in
                         seeing large oil and gas projects, the natural gas  May last year, citing the impact of the pan-
                         industry and petrochemicals. He too spent some  demic. ™
                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       US ambassador sees Azerbaijan

       supplying Europe with hydrogen

        AZERBAIJAN       THE energy infrastructure that Azerbaijan has  This will provide an opportunity to attract the
                         built will make the country a future supplier of  best proposals, the best talents and the best solu-
       The Southern Gas   hydrogen to the European market, US Ambas-  tions to the problems facing Azerbaijan,” the
       Corridor could one day   sador to Azerbaijan Lee Litzenberger said during  diplomat said.
       flow hydrogen.    the closing ceremony of the Advanced Regional   The ambassador noted that the transforma-
                         Energy Security Symposium 2021 on September  tion of Azerbaijan's energy sector was beneficial
                         10.                                  not only for itself but also for European energy
                           “New projects in the field of wind and solar  security. By increasing its potential in the field
                         energy show that Azerbaijan is playing an active  of renewable energy, Azerbaijan can become an
                         role in the fight against climate change. Reforms  important player in ensuring energy security in
                         in the electricity sector in Azerbaijan are critical  the region and beyond, the ambassador said.
                         to accelerating the transition to green energy.   "The United States is ready to continue sup-
                         Therefore, we look forward to working in Azer-  port in the development of Azerbaijan's energy
                         baijan in this direction,” Litzenberger said. He  security," he added.
                         noted that the US and many American com-  The Regional Energy Security Symposium
                         panies have extensive experience in the field of  2021 - Caucasus was held on September 6-10 by
                         renewable energy.                    the EU Research Center of Excellence at ADA
                           “I know that American companies are ready  University (Azerbaijan) in partnership with
                         to cooperate with Azerbaijan in entering the  the Nato Energy Security Center of Excellence,
                         renewable energy market. US companies can be  Naval Postgraduate School, BP Azerbaijan and
                         attracted through a transparent tender process.  State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR). ™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2021
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