Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 37 2021
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Gazprom announces Nord

       Stream 2's completion

       When the pipeline starts flowing gas will depend on the decision of German regulators

        EUROPE           CONSTRUCTION  of the Nord Stream 2  in Denmark in 2019, and sanctions that the US
                         gas pipeline is now fully complete, Gazprom  imposed at the end of that year that forced Swiss
       WHAT:             announced in a brief message on September 10,  pipelayer Allseas to pull out of the project. Russia
       Nord Stream 2 is   although how soon it will start pumping Siberian  responded by deploying its own pipelaying ves-
       complete, but it needs   gas to Europe is still shrouded in uncertainty. In a  sels to finish the job.
       certification from German   briefing on September 8, Russian Foreign Minis-  Uncertainty about when Nord Stream 2 will
       regulators.       try spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the tim-  start bringing Siberian gas to Germany comes
                         ing of the launch all depended on the decision of  as European gas prices are at record highs,
       WHY:              German regulators.                   amid supply constraints and a post-coronavirus
       Gazprom has applied for   Russia is putting pressure on German regula-  (COVID-19) recovery in demand.
       the operating company   tors to get the Nord Stream 2 operating company   "It is now clear to everyone, including oppo-
       to be certified as an   certified as an independent operator, which is a  nents of Nord Stream 2 that desperately opposed
       independent operator, but   necessary step for the pipeline to start pump-  its construction, that it is simply impossible to
       EU rules might make this   ing gas. But under an EU court ruling, which  stop it and it is time to stop hampering this
       difficult.        Gazprom recently failed to get overturned in  important project," Zakharova said. "The time
                         a German court, doing so would violate the  has come to agree on reasonable, mutually ben-
       WHAT NEXT:        bloc's rules on the unbundling of gas transport  eficial parameters for the operation of the gas
       Nord Stream 2's   infrastructure from supply. This could mean  pipeline."
       launch could help   Gazprom has to spin off Nord Stream 2, which   "We expect that millions of European con-
       ease shortages on the   would likely result in delays that would prevent  sumers will soon be able to receive Russian gas
       European gas market.  the pipeline coming on stream this year as Russia  via the shortest, most economical and environ-
                         hopes.                               mentally friendly route," she continued. "The
                           Gazprom had hoped to complete Nord  carbon footprint of gas transportation through
                         Stream 2 before the end of 2019. The pipeline's  Nord Stream 2 is more than five times lower in
                         construction was held up by permitting delays  comparison to alternative routes. This is known."

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   15•September•2021
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