Page 53 - SE Outlook Regions 2022
P. 53

Current account balance (% of GDP)            -0.9      -0.1      -3.3      -3.5       -3.4      -2.6

         Official FX reserves (EUR bn)      2.610     2.336     2.867     3.263     3.360      3.643       ?

         Gross foreign debt (% of GDP)                 73.4      73.0      72.7      79.9       82.6      81.2

         Source: IMF, World Bank, statistics office

                               2.8.1 GDP growth

                               North Macedonia’s government projected economic growth of 4.6% for
                               2022, with gross investment increasing by 8.5%, following projected
                               growth of 3.9% in 2021. The central bank expects GDP growth for both
                               2021 and 2022 of 3.9%.

                               In the medium term, the central bank projected further recovery of
                               about 4% per year. This growth dynamic will enable compensation of
                               the economic losses from the coronacrisis and exceed the
                               pre-pandemic level during 2022.

                               However, the central bank said there are risks related primarily with the
                               further development of the COVID-19 pandemic and the appearance of
                               new variants, which requires careful monitoring of the economic
                               developments. The implementation of structural reforms is extremely
                               important, because they are a prerequisite for sustainable and higher
                               economic growth, the central bank said.

                               The International Monetary Fund (IMF) upgraded its forecast for North
                               Macedonia’s GDP growth of 4.2% for 2022, up by 0.2 pp from the
                               previous forecast and sees a growth of 3.6% in 2026.

                               According to the European Commission, North Macedonia’s economic
                               recovery is making good progress, as both domestic and foreign
                               demand are strengthening. The upswing is expected to gradually
                               solidify in 2022 and 2023, based on a further firming of private
                               consumption and foreign demand.

                               According to the Fitch rating agency, the negative outlook reflects
                               moderating but still material downside risks to the growth outlook,
                               including the evolution of the pandemic, and path of public debt,
                               together with uncertainty regarding the consistency of the government's
                               fiscal consolidation strategy.

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