Page 48 - SE Outlook Regions 2022
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production of construction materials, metal products and metal
                               constructions boasted growth rates of over 20% compared to 2019.
                               Light industry and wood processing also performed well. Furniture
                               production, with a 78% leap (both y/y and compared to 2019), made the
                               strongest advance.

        2.7 Macroeconomy - Montenegro

         Montenegro  key economic figures and forecasts

                                            2016      2017      2018      2019       2020      2021       2022

         Nominal GDP (EUR bn)                4.0       4.3       4.7       5.0       4.2        4.9

         Real GDP (% yoy)                    2.9       4.7       5.1       4.1       -15.3      13.4       ?

         Unemployment rate (avg, %)         17.7       16.1      15.2      15.1      17.9                  ?

         Consumer prices (avg, % yoy)        -0.3      2.4       -2.6      0.4       -0.3       2.4        ?

         Consumer prices (eop, % yoy)        1.0       1.9       1.6       1.0       -0.9       4.6        ?

         General budget balance (% of GDP)   -6.2      -6.8      -6.2     -1.78      -10.9      -5.0      -2.5

         Public debt (% of GDP)                                                                            ?

         Current account balance (% of GDP)  -16.2    -16.0     -17.0     -14.3      -26.0     -21.0      -16.8

         Source: Statistics office, central bank, IMF, World Bank

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