Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 04 2023
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                              Future net revenue after taxes and capital  up 56% from 2021. With this significant growth
       PERFORMANCE                         expenditures forecast to be $1.4bn (1P), $1.7bn  in our net asset values per share* in 2022, we
                                           (2P) and $1.9bn (3P) over the next five years.  believe Gran Tierra is well positioned to offer
       Gran Tierra Energy                  company average production of approximately   “We have started 2023 strong with year-to-
                                              Strong start to 2023 with year-to-date total  exceptional long-term stakeholder value.
       announces strong reserves           33,000 bpd of oil.                   date average production of approximately 33,000
                                              Gary Guidry, President and CEO of Gran  bpd of oil, which is the midpoint of our 2023
       replacement and continued           Tierra, commented: “During 2022, Gran Tierra  production guidance. We also recently drilled
                                           achieved strong 126% (1P), 148% (2P) and 280%  the Moqueta-25 development well, which we
       reserves growth in 2022             (3P) reserves replacement through our success-  expect to bring on production in the new few
                                                                                weeks. We have secured two drilling rigs for our
                                           ful results from our development and explora-
       Gran Tierra Energy, a company focused on  tion drilling, waterflooding programmes and  2023 Acordionero and Costayaco development
       international oil exploration and production  field performance.         drilling programmes and expect to spud devel-
       with assets currently in Colombia and Ecuador,   “We completed our 2022 development plan  opment wells in both fields in early February
       has announced the Company’s 2022 year-end  on-budget including waterflooding efforts  2023. We also plan to continue to focus on the
       reserves as evaluated by the Company’s inde-  and development drilling in the Acordionero,  development of our existing assets, appraisal of
       pendent qualified reserves evaluator McDaniel  Costayaco and Moqueta oilfields. After reduced  new discoveries and new exploration drilling,
       & Associates Consultants in a report with an  exploration activity during 2020 and 2021, the  while generating free cash flow to strengthen our
       effective date of December 31, 2022.  Company also made several key exploration  balance sheet and return capital to shareholders
         Added total company reserves of 14 mn boe  discoveries during 2022. We believe our success  through share buybacks.”
       1P, 17 mn boe 2P and 31 mn boe 3P. Achieved  on multiple fronts during 2022 demonstrates   Gran Tierra Energy, 24 January 2023
       126% 1P, 148% 2P and 280% 3P reserves replace-  Gran Tierra’s ability to be a full-cycle oil and
       ment. Fourth consecutive year of 1P reserves  gas exploration, development and production   GeoPark announces
       growth.                             company focused on value creation for all our
         Exploration discoveries alone added com-  stakeholders.                results for Q4 2022
       pany reserves of 5 mn boe 1P, 16 mn boe 2P and   “The success the Company achieved in 2022
       32 mn boe 3P. Achieved three-year average per  also reflects our ongoing conversion of reserves  GeoPark Ltd, a leading independent Latin
       barrel finding and development costs of $11.69  from the Probable to the Proved category. With  American oil and gas explorer, operator and
       PDP and $14.51 1P. Reserve life indexes of 7  115 booked Proved plus Probable Undeveloped  consolidator, today announces its operational
       (1P), 11 (2P) and 15 (3P) years.    future drilling locations, Gran Tierra is well  update for the three-month period ended
         Net present value before tax discounted at  positioned to continue to grow the Company’s  December 31, 2022.
       10% increased to $2.1bn (1P), $3.0bn (2P) and  production in 2023 and beyond.  Growing Production in Core Assets and
       $4.1bn (3P). 1P net asset value per share of $4.62   “During 2022, a combination of our ongoing  Achieving Guidance: Consolidated average oil
       before tax, up 77% from 2021. 2P net asset value  reductions in debt and per well drilling, comple-  and gas production up 7% to 38,433 boepd.
       per share of $7.36 before tax, up 56% from 2021.  tion and workover costs, focus on maintaining  Annual 2022 average production of 38,620
         Net debt-adjusted production per share  low operating costs, strong rebound in oil prices  boepd, within guidance. 2022 exit production of
       growth of 67% since 2021.           and share buybacks allowed Gran Tierra to  37,700 boepd, with approximately 1,700 boepd
         Net debt-adjusted reserves per share growth  achieve net asset values per share before tax of  of net production being deferred due to tem-
       of 56% (1P), 57% (2P) and 69% (3P) since 2021.  $4.62 (1P), up 77% from 2021, and $7.36 (2P),  porary shut-ins in the CPO-5 block (GeoPark
                                                                                non-operated, 30% WI) in Colombia and lower
                                                                                gas demand in the Manati gas field (GeoPark
                                                                                non-operated, 10% WI) in Brazil. Llanos 34
                                                                                block (GeoPark operated, 45% WI) 2022 annual
                                                                                average gross production up 2% to 57,016 bpd
                                                                                of oil. CPO-5 block 2022 annual average gross
                                                                                production up 50% to 18,600 bpd of oil (up 64%
                                                                                to 20,235 boepd gross average production in Q4
                                                                                  GeoPark’s full-year 2022 work programme
                                                                                included drilling of 50 gross wells (40 operated),
                                                                                a record for GeoPark.
                                                                                  Llanos Basin, Llanos 34 block: Three drilling
                                                                                and three workover rigs in operation. Average
                                                                                gross production down 6% to 54,610 bpd of
                                                                                oil. Production and operations were partially
                                                                                affected for 15 days in Q4 2022 due to blockades.
                                                                                Guaco Sur 1 exploration well was spudded and
                                                                                reached total depth in December 2022. Pre-
                                                                                liminary logging information indicated hydro-
                                                                                carbons in the Guadalupe formation. Testing
                                                                                activities are expected to start in late January

       Week 04   25•January•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P15
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