Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 04 2023
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The appraisal will include conducting flow tests Basin. The well reached a total depth of 4,692 located on its 100% working operated interest
in order to better understand the properties of ft MD on January 2, 2023, and encountered a Esperanza Exploration and Exploitation con-
the reservoir as well as take samples to ascertain gross gas column of 89 ft TVD within the pri- tract in mid-March 2023.
the quality of the oil encountered therein. To mary CDO sandstone and Cicuco limestone The Lulo 1 well is located less than 1 km to
aid in calibrating petrophysical properties and reservoirs between depths of 2,184 and 2,273 the east of the Jobo production facility and is
reservoir description, which will be valuable ft MD. The gas-bearing reservoirs have average targeting gas bearing sandstones of the CDO
when planning further appraisal and production porosity of 27%. sandstone reservoir.
activities, three fully cored sections are planned The Corporation is currently executing a The well is anticipated to take four weeks to
within the thicker net pay zones identified whilst flow test of the well in order to formulate a com- drill and complete.
drilling Alameda-1. mercial development plan for the discovery. The Canacol Energy, 23 January 2023
If successful, allowance has been made to discovery is located approximately 35 kto the
keep Alameda-2 as a future oil producer. west of the TGI gas pipeline which currently has DOF awarded AHTS
Melbana Energy, 24 January 2023 approximately 260 MCF per day of spare trans-
portation capacity into the interior of Colombia. contract in Brazil
Canacol Energy reports results when they become available. DOF has announced that Petrobras has awarded
The Corporation will provide production test
new finds in Colombia’s the drilling of the Chimela 1 exploration well kan Offshore Ltda. for an AHTS to operate as
Chimela 1: The Corporation commenced a new long-term charter contract to Nors-
Magdalena basin on November 13, 2022 on its 100% operated AHTS-TS or TO.
VMM45 E&P contract located in the Mid-
Skandi Ipanema has been contracted for four
Canacol Energy has provided details on three dle Magdalena Basin. The well reached a total years firm plus a one-year option with Petrobras.
discoveries in Colombia, as well as information depth of 14,101 ft MD on December 16, 2022, The gross value of the contract that is planned
concerning its near-term drilling programmes. and encountered multiple zones of oil and gas to start up to Q3 2023 is approximately $51mn.
Saxofon 1: The Corporation commenced pay within the primary Upper Lisama and Basal CEO Mons S. Aase said: “I’m very pleased
the drilling of the Saxofon 1 exploration well on Lisama sandstone reservoirs between depths of with this award adding more backlog for our
December 2, 2022 on its 100% operated VIM5 12,410 and 13,694 ft MD. AHTS fleet in Brazil and look forward to deliver
Exploration and Production (E&P) contract The oil bearing reservoirs encountered high quality services to Petrobras.”
located in the Lower Magdalena Basin. The well within the Basal Lisama were encountered DOF, 25 January 2023
reached a total depth of 9,416 feet MD on Jan- between 13,004 and 13,694 ft MD with individ-
uary 7, 2023, and encountered a gross gas col- ual oil filled sands between 8 and 20 ft TVD in TechnipFMC awarded
umn of 290 feet true TVD within the Porquero thickness, with average porosity of 14%. The gas
sandstone reservoir between depths of 4,385 bearing reservoir within the Upper Lisama is 9 substantial subsea
and 4,675 ft MD, and a gross gas column of 48 ft ft TVD thick, with an average porosity of 10%.
TVD within the primary Cienaga de Oro (CDO) The Corporation is currently demobilising services offshore Brazil
sandstone reservoir between 7,560 and 7,608 ft the drilling rig and is preparing to mobilise a
MD. workover rig to complete and production test the contract by Petrobras
The gas bearing reservoirs encountered well and will provide results when they become
within the Porquero sandstone display average available. TechnipFMC has been awarded a substantial
porosity of 26%, while those within the CDO Natilla 1: The Corporation spud the Natilla master services agreement (MSA) for subsea
sandstone display average porosity of 16%., 1 exploration well located on its 50% oper- services with Petrobras. The three-year contract
The well is currently being cased, and the ated working interest SSJN 7 E&P contract on has an option to extend for a further two years.
Corporation is planning to mobilise a workover December 1, 2022. Natilla 1 is targeting gas bear- TechnipFMC will provide life-of-field ser-
rig to complete and test the CDO. The develop- ing sandstones within the CDO and Porquero vices to support its installed base offshore Brazil.
ment plan for Saxofon will include the drilling of sandstone reservoirs.The well drilled to a depth The contract covers installation, intervention,
additional appraisal and development wells once of 11,848 ft MD within the Porquero sandstone and maintenance of both equipment and tool-
a new 3D seismic survey has been acquired over interval, the secondary target of the well, prior ing, as well as technical support for subsea
that area of the block in late 2023.m to encountering drilling related problems. The umblicals, risers and flowlines.
The Corporation will provide production test well is currently being sidetracked and the Cor- The agreement succeeds a previous MSA and
results when they become available. poration anticipates to reach planned total depth supports Petrobras’s increased volume of opera-
Dividivi 1: The Corporation commenced of 16,609 ft MD within the primary CDO sand- tions. Services will be supplied from TechnipF-
the drilling of the Dividivi 1 exploration well on stone target within 6 weeks. MC’s base in Macaé, Brazil.
December 20, 2022 on its 100% operated VIM33 Near-term drilling programme: The Corpo- Jonathan Landes, President, Subsea at Tech-
E&P contract located in the Lower Magdalena ration plans to spud the Lulo 1 exploration well nipFMC, commented: “This new MSA contin-
ues our enduring partnership with Petrobras.
We are delighted to continue this relationship
through this direct award. For 40 years, we have
provided services from Macaé, demonstrating
the strength of our commitment to delivering
services using our in-country workforce.”
For TechnipFMC, a “substantial” contract is
between $250mn and $500mn.
TechnipFMC, 24 January 2023
Week 04 25•January•2023 www. NEWSBASE .com P17