Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 04 2023
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       CPO-5 block: Average gross production up
       64% to 20,235 bpd of oil. Two new development
       wells, Indico 6 and Indico 7, together tested
       over 11,000 bpd of oil gross, and are expected
       to continue producing at a restricted rate of
       approximately 8,000 bpd of oil gross, to con-
       tinue testing overall reservoir conditions. These
       new wells are temporarily shut-in (Indico 6 since
       mid-December 2022 and Indico 7 since early
       January 2023) as the operator is obtaining cus-
       tomary regulatory approvals, and are expected
       to resume production within the next few weeks.
       Pre-drilling activities currently underway in the
       Yarico exploration prospect, located adjacent to
       the Mariposa field, targeting to spud the Yarico
       1 exploration well in January 2023.
         Llanos 87 block (GeoPark operated, 50%
       WI): Two drilling rigs in operation. Tororoi 1
       exploration well was spudded in October 2022
       and reached total depth in December 2022. Pre-  demobilisation fees, of $30.4mn on a dry-hole  strong oil shows over a gross interval of 1,426
       liminary logging information indicated hydro-  case.                     metres MD commencing almost immediately
       carbons in the Ubaque, Guadalupe (Barco) and   The Ran is currently on a contract with Win-  below the surface casing shoe at 466 metres MD,
       Mirador formations. Initial testing activities car-  tershall in Mexico, which is expected to keep  entered about a week after drilling commenced.
       ried out in the Ubaque formation with further  the rig committed until Q2 2023. The Com-  Numerous influxes of oil into the wellbore were
       testing planned to continue in Q1 2023. Cur-  pany remains in constructive discussion with  recorded when flow checks were conducted
       rently drilling two exploration wells (Picabuey  other customers in the region for further work  whilst drilling this interval, in addition to fluo-
       1 and Zorzal 1), targeting to reach total depth in  to cover the available time between these two  rescence within samples and elevated mud gas
       Q1 2023.                            programmes.                          readings in excess of 40%.
         Oriente Basin, Espejo block (GeoPark oper-  Borr Drilling, 20 January 2023  A significant (approximately 290 metres) of
       ated, 50% WI): Pashuri 1 exploration well was                            this interval did not produce satisfactory logs
       spudded in September 2022 and reached total   Melbana Energy preparing   due to poor hole conditions and therefore could
       depth in October 2022. Preliminary logging                               not be factored into the estimates for the volume
       information indicated hydrocarbons in the   to drill first appraisal well   of oil that may be present. Some of this interval
       Napo formation. The well is currently producing                          saw the strongest oil influx into the well bore
       400 bpd of oil gross.               in Block 9, onshore Cuba             experienced whilst drilling this interval.
         Putumayo Basin, Platanillo block (GeoPark                                Regardless, the interval that was satisfacto-
       operated, 100% WI): Average gross production  Melbana Energy has provided an update on  rily logged allow for an estimate of 48 net metres
       up 37% to 2,292 bpd of oil. Alea NW 1 explo-  preparations for its first appraisal well in Block  of oil and gas pay across 11 zones totalling 415
       ration well was spudded in September 2022.  9 PSC (Melbana 30%).         metres of gross section. This was later inde-
       Preliminary logging information indicated   Preparations for the drilling of the Alam-  pendently assessed to contain 2.5bn barrels of
       hydrocarbons in the U and N formations. The  eda-2 well to appraise the Amistad reservoir are  OIP with a combined 88mn barrels of Prospec-
       well has been producing 225 bpd of oil from the  advanced. Mobilisation notices will be given to  tive Resource (gross unrisked Best Estimate).
       U formation. Currently testing the N formation,  contractors in early March and drilling opera-  The second appraisal well, Alameda-3, will be
       with initial production rates of 245 bpd of oil.  tions will commence following the removal of  drilled later in the year and will test the deeper
       GeoPark, 19 January 2023            the Alameda-1 wellhead and plugging and aban-  Alameda and Marti intervals.
                                           donment of that well.                  Drilling Plan: Alameda-2 is to be drilled off
                                              Alameda-1, the first of two exploration wells  the same drill pad as was used for Alameda-1.
       PROJECTS & COMPANIES                completed in Block 9 last year, targeted a large  The design of Alameda-2 has been modified to
                                           compressional structure compose of stacked  incorporate the lessons learned from drilling
       Borr Drilling receives LOA          sheets of limestone separated by thrust faults.  Alameda-1. The slimmer hole design now being
                                           Oil was encountered within three gross inter-
                                                                                employed should maintain better hole integ-
       for work in Latin America           vals identified as Amistad, Alameda and Marti  rity, thus improving the likelihood of being able
                                           structures. The Alameda-2 well, the first of two  to log the sections where this was not possible
       Borr Drilling has announced that its premium  appraisal wells planned for this year, will test the  previously.
       jack-up drilling rig Ran has received a Letter of  Amistad interval, which has been subdivided   If successful, it is hoped this additional poten-
       Award (LOA) from an undisclosed customer  into three units. Mapping of these units reveal  tial oil pay might allow for an increase of the pre-
       for work in Latin America. This award will cover  that Alameda-1 intercepted them downdip at all  vious estimates for oil in place and Prospective
       a two-well campaign with an estimated dura-  levels, thereby suggesting there is considerable  Resource contained in this interval. Otherwise,
       tion of 200 days on a dry-hole case and up to  updip potential above the established oil-bear-  the trajectory if Alameda-2 is the same as Alam-
       460 days on a success case. The work will com-  ing zones with each unit extending over a large  eda-1, other than modifying the deviation to
       mence in October 2023 and has an estimated  prospective area.            allow Unit 3 to be penetrated in an updip struc-
       contract value, including mobilisation and   The top of the Amistad interval demonstrated  tural position.

       P16                                     www. NEWSBASE .com                     Week 04   25•January•2023
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