Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 19 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       President Energy reports

       positive results from
       secondary recovery pilot

       project at Puesto Flores

       AIM-listed President Energy has provided an
       operational update with regard to certain activi-
       ties in the Rio Negro Province, Argentina
         Secondary recovery pilot programme: On
       August 26, 2020, the Company announced that
       it was to commence a pilot Water flooding pro-
       ject in the Puesto Flores field and that it would
       take time to evaluate such work.
         President is pleased to say that the pilot pro-
       ject is showing concrete signs of success, which
       if promulgated to other parts of the mature
       Puesto Flores field would not only in the short
       to medium term increase production and but
       would also extend out decline curves, thereby
       prolonging field life and ultimately have a bene-  from PFO-10.          wireline logs (validate behind casing oil and
       ficial effect on the extent of recoverable reserves.  Whilst taken in isolation, an amount of just  gas layers), open new hydrocarbon layers and
         Water flooding is a recognised form of oil  less than 100 bpd does not resonate loudly in  test each of them independently to verify fluids
       recovery wherein energy to sweep or move  the context of President’s overall field produc-  quantities and flowing plus shut-in pressures.
       either residual oil or greater oil from the reser-  tion, this is value added production at little or  Then, a new completion string will be installed
       voir rock is supplied from the surface by way  no extra cost which could account in respect of  to leave the well in production.
       of water injection with the induced pressure of  these two wells alone for an additional sales rev-  Based on the latest analysis, Interoil is
       additional water. Widely used in Argentina, it  enue in excess of $1.5mn a year at current prices  expecting MMO-15 to flow oil and gas where, as
       has never been tried in the Puesto Flores field.  with little incremental opex.  described in several recent announcements from
         Water flooding if successful, enables greater   Much more significantly, the results to date  the company, the produced gas will be used to
       levels of oil in mature fields to be produced that  suggest that a wider long-term application of  fuel MMO surface production equipment to be
       otherwise would be left in the ground. By so  Water flooding may be successful in other areas  able to treat oil volumes to be sold under com-
       doing, not only does it produce more of the 2P  within the Puesto Flores field and it is this that  mercial specs.
       (proven and probable) oil reserves but mitigates  potentially could have a material impact on   Leandro Carbone, CEO, commented: “We
       the inevitable effect of natural decline in produc-  incremental production, the extension of decline  are confident production from MMO-15 would
       tion from existing wells by softening the decline  curves, estimated ultimate recovery factors, in  boost MMO field production and capitalised
       curve.                              due course reserves and importantly field life.  value for the benefits of the company.”
         The pilot project was initiated in one fault   The pilot programme will continue and con-  Interoil, May 10 2021
       block within the Puesto Flores field using well  sideration will shortly be given as to the possi-
       PFO-26 to inject produced water that other-  bilities and practicalities of rolling it out on an   President Energy
       wise would have been disposed of in a dedi-  extended basis with other old non-producing
       cated disposal well. The objective of the project  wells being utilised as injectors.  announces Rio Negro
       was to identify whether there was any pressure   President Energy, May 12 2021
       response from wells in the same structure.                               drilling update
         President has now identified a potentially sig-  Interoil announces
       nificant positive incremental response from two                          AIM-listed President Energy has provided an
       wells. The first from PFO-14 lying 700 metres   operational update for    operational update with regard to certain activ-
       away from PFO-26 and the other from PFO-10                               ities in the Rio Negro Province, Argentina and
       which only 386 metres away.         MMO field in Argentina               an update as to the evolution of oil and gas prices
         After having considered and discounted                                 in that country.
       other potential reasons for the production  Interoil has announced that Velitec’s Work Over   EV-1002: This new gas well at the Estancia
       increases from these two wells, the Company  rig has been mobilised, fully rigged-up, certified  Vieja field has been successfully drilled, logged
       after careful analysis considers that they are a  and has started operation in the MMO-15 well  and cased on time and budget. The electric logs,
       direct result of the Water flooding. The results  in the Mata Magallanes Oeste (MMO) field in  reflecting the muds logs while drilling, show
       at this stage show an aggregate increase from  Argentina.                approximately 14 metres of net pay in the Vaca
       these two wells of approximately 15 cubic metres   The work-over programme in this well is  Muerta and Catriel formations subject to petro-
       per day of oil (circa 95 bpd) representing a 50%  forecast to last 19 days which includes retrieving  physical analysis with good porosity of some
       increase in oil production from PFO-14 and 25%  existing production string, run through casing  25%.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   13•May•2021
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