Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 14 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil


       PetroTal announces Q1-2021

       operations update

       PetroTal has announced an operational update
       for Q1-2021.
         The Company has successfully completed the  The current incremental value of the arranged  $2.19mn, as compared to Q4-2019 which
       workover of its 4H well, which was previously  true-up payments to PetroTal, which is subject  reported $250,000 of net cash used by operating
       announced on February 18, 2021. The budget for  to change, is approximately $36mn, based on  activities and $1.78mn of funds flow from oper-
       this operation was $1.1mn with an actual spend  the March 25, 2021 forward Brent strip oil price  ating activities;
       of $984,000, 7% under budget. The new elec-  forecast.                     Earned $4.1mn of oil and natural gas sales
       tro-submersible pump (ESP) that was installed   PetroTal, April 07 2021  revenue on average daily sales volumes of 1,878
       has a nominal capacity of 12,000 barrels of fluid                        boe per day, down from $5.8mn of oil and natu-
       per day (bfpd) versus 8,000 bfpd with the old   Alvopetro announces      ral gas sales revenue earned on average daily sales
       model. Since the workover, the 4H well has been                          volumes of 1,891 boe per day in Q4-2019 due to
       producing approximately 2,300 bpd, compared   March sales volumes        ongoing natural decline rates in gas production;
       to 1,872 bpd, prior to the pump failure. The                               Received an average of $1.59 per mcf for nat-
       Company plans to install similar higher capacity  Alvopetro Energy announces March sales vol-  ural gas and $34.10 per bbl for oil compared to
       ESPs in most of the Bretana oil wells to optimise  umes of 2,383 boepd, including natural gas  $2.00 per mcf for natural gas and $54.62 per bbl
       production and oil recoveries.      sales of 13.7 mcf per day and associated nat-  for oil received in Q4-2019;
         Notwithstanding the downtime of the 4H  ural gas liquids sales from condensate of 103   Reported an operating netback of $8.66
       well, production still averaged approximately  bpd, based on field estimates. Our March sales  per boe, down from $9.60 per boe in Q4-2019
       7,300 bpd in Q1-2021, with a promising March  volumes bring our estimated first quarter daily  due to the drop in oil and natural gas prices in
       31, 2021 exit production rate of 8,275 bpd. This  sales to 2,175 boepd, an increase of 11.5% from  Argentina offset by a reduction in per boe oper-
       is materially on budget and 2021 production  the fourth quarter. March sales volumes repre-  ating costs due to the transport of oil through
       guidance is unchanged as announced on Febru-  sent our highest average monthly sales volumes  the newly commissioned Company-owned San
       ary 18, 2021, with an expected year end exit rate  to-date, all due to increased demand from our  Martin oil pipeline which negated the need for
       of 18,000 to 19,000 bpd.            offtaker, Bahiagás.                  certain trucking and lowered transportation
         The Company continues to progress the   Alvopetro has amended its Annual General  costs in Q4-2020;
       installation and tie-in of the CPF-2 expansion  Meeting date to June 22, 2021, beginning at 9:30   Recognised $1.6mn of property and equip-
       facilities, which will take overall processing  a.m. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic  ment impairment as a result of lower forecasted
       capacity to 124,000 bfpd with the ability to han-  and public health recommendations in place  commodity prices. Impairment related to prop-
       dle 24,000 bpd by mid-September 2021, coin-  which limit gathering sizes, Alvopetro plans to  erty and equipment may be reversed in future
       ciding with completion of two new oil storage  host the meeting virtually. Shareholders will not  periods if there are indicators of reversal such as
       tanks, bringing storage capacity at the field to  be permitted to attend the meeting in person.  an improvement in commodity price forecasts;
       90,000 barrels of oil. The remaining components  The Management Information Circular and all   Repaid $800,000 (ARS67.5mn) and obtained
       of the CPF-2, principally the additional forma-  related meeting materials will be available on  $600,000 (ARS50mn) of short-term working
       tion water treatment facilities, will be ready in  our website and closer to the  capital loans; and Reported a working capital
       Q3-2021, coinciding with expected production  meeting date.              surplus of $3.0mn.
       increases. The CPF-2 total investment remains   Alvopetro Energy’s vision is to become a   Subsequent to Q4-2020, the company:
       at $24mn, with the remaining $12mn in the  leading independent upstream and midstream  Repaid $700,000 (ARS60.2mn) and obtained
       2021 budget, costing $4mn less than originally  operator in Brazil. Our strategy is to unlock the  $600,000 (ARS50mn) of short-term working
       estimated.                          on-shore natural gas potential in the state of  capital loans; and
         Liquidity Update: At March 31, 2021, Petro-  Bahia in Brazil, building off the development   Was awarded, together with partner Petrol-
       Tal has a cash position of approximately $76mn,  of our Caburé natural gas field and our strategic  era Aconcagua Energía (“Aconcagua”), a 25-year
       of which $53mn is unrestricted, with $20mn  midstream infrastructure.    exploitation license for the 40.6-square km
       dedicated to accretive acquisitions and $3mn as   Alvopetro, April 06 2021  Chañares Herrados producing oil block, located
       collateral for commodity price hedges. Accounts                          in the Cuyo Basin approximately 50 km south of
       payable and accrued liabilities are approxi-  Crown Point announces      Mendoza City, Province of Mendoza. The Com-
       mately $37mn, a 16% reduction from $44mn at                              pany and Aconcagua each hold a 50% working
       December 31, 2020. Ongoing payments will be   operating and financial    interest in the concession which will be operated
       managed from expected oil field revenues and                             by Aconcagua. Under the terms of the exploita-
       internal cash resources. Pursuant to contractual   results for Q4-2020   tion license agreement, the joint venture will
       terms with our suppliers, approximately $6mn                             make a cash payment of $8.3mn ($4.15mn net
       (16%) is not due until after Q2-2021.  Crown Point Energy today announced its oper-  to Crown Point) to the Province, pay a 13% roy-
         As previously announced on March 31, 2021,  ating and financial results for the three months  alty on oil production and commit to a $85.7mn
       PetroTal will benefit from commodity prices  and year ended December 31, 2020.  ($42.85mn net to Crown Point) 10-year work
       hedges that have been placed to ensure cash flow   During Q4-2020, the Company: Reported  program which includes well workovers, infra-
       stability for the capital expenditure program and  net cash used by operating activities of $30,000  structure optimisation and a multi- well drilling
       a sufficient cushion over all the bond covenants.  and funds flow from operating activities of  programme.

       Week 14   08•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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