Page 16 - LatAmOil Week 14 2021
P. 16

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Tierra del Fuego Concession (TDF), La Ango-  publicly traded E&P company, has qualified to
       stura Concession: During Q4-2020, San Martin  trade on the OTCQX® Best Market. NG Energy
       oil production averaged 2,069 (net 719) bpd of  International Corp. upgraded to OTCQX from
       oil. Oil is now transported through the newly  the Pink® market.
       commissioned Company-owned San Martin oil   NG Energy International Corp. begins
       pipeline connecting the field to the Cruz del Sur  trading today on OTCQX under the symbol
       facility for storage and subsequent sale, negating  “GASXF.” US investors can find current financial
       the need for trucking and lowering transporta-  disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the
       tion costs.                         company on
         Las Violetas Concession: Natural gas produc-  “Trading on the OTCQX® Best Market is an
       tion from the Las Violetas concession remained  important step in providing NG Energy access
       uninterrupted during the 2020 periods and dur-  to a broader US investor audience and raises the
       ing Q4-2020 averaged 13,395 (net 4,655) mcf per  Company’s profile as it pushes towards achieving
       day. Oil produced in association with natural gas  production at its Maria Conchita field and com-
       production is trucked to the San Martin field,  mences its fully funded four well exploration
       blended with San Martin oil and transported via  program at its flagship Sinu 9 block this year,”
       the San Martin oil pipeline to Cruz del Sur for  said Serafino Iacono, CEO of NG Energy Inter-
       storage and sale. During Q4-2020, oil produc-  national Corp. “We would like to thank all our
       tion from the Las Violetas concession averaged  shareholders for their ongoing support.”
       305 (net 106) bpd of oil.              NG Energy International Corp. is a publicly
         Cerro de Los Leones (CLL) Exploration Per-  traded E&P company on a mission to provide
       mit: The Company is committed to drilling one  a clean and sustainable solution to Colombia’s
       exploration well on the CLL exploration permit  energy needs. The Company intends on exe-
       before February 23, 2022 under the Period 3  cuting this mission by producing and bringing
       term of the permit.                 gas to the premium priced Colombian gas mar-
         Outlook: The Company’s capital spending  ket from its concessions, SN-9, a 311,353-acre
       for fiscal 2021 is budgeted at $4.1mn comprised  (1,260-square km) block, which is adjacent to
       of $1.6mn for ongoing improvements to facili-  Canacol’s Nelson field, as well as Maria Con-
       ties in TDF and $2.5mn to drill one exploration  chita, a 32,518-acre (131.6-square km) block
       well on the CLL exploration permit. Investment  located in the region of La Guajira. NGE’s team  to effect the Proposed Amendments (as defined
       in TDF has been significantly reduced due to a  has extensive technical expertise and a proven  below).
       sharp decline in capital investment in Argentina  track record of building companies and creating   Consideration: The consideration for the
       as a consequence of the impact of the COVID-19  value in South America.  Notes validly tendered (and not validly with-
       virus on both Argentina and the global economy.  OTC Markets Group, April 08 2021  drawn) pursuant to the Statement and accepted
         Crown Point Energy is an international oil                             for purchase pursuant to the Tender Offer is
       and gas exploration and development company   GeoPark makes tender offer   US$1,000 for each US$1,000 principal amount
       headquartered in Calgary, Canada, Incorpo-                               of the Notes. Subject to the terms and conditions
       rated in Canada, trading on the TSX Venture   for senior notes due 2024  set forth in the Statement, the Company is also
       Exchange and operating in Argentina. Crown                               offering to pay the Early Tender Payment (as
       Point’s exploration and development activities  GeoPark, an exempted company incorporated  defined below) to each holder of Notes who val-
       are focused in three producing basins in Argen-  under the laws of Bermuda, announced today  idly tenders (and does not validly withdraw) its
       tina, the Austral basin in the province of Tierra  that it commenced a tender offer to purchase  Notes and thereby validly delivers (and does not
       del Fuego, and the Neuquén and Cuyano basins  for cash, up to US$255mn aggregate principal  validly revoke), at or prior to 5:00 p.m., New York
       in the province of Mendoza. Crown Point has  amount outstanding (the Maximum Tender  City time, on April 19, 2021, unless extended or
       a strategy that focuses on establishing a port-  Amount) of its 6.500% Senior Notes due 2024  earlier terminated (such time and date, as the
       folio of producing properties, plus production  (CUSIP Nos. 37255B AA7 / G38327 AA3 and  same may be extended or earlier terminated, the
       enhancement and exploration opportunities to  ISIN Nos. US37255BAA70 / USG38327AA304)  Early Tender Deadline), its consent to the pro-
       provide a basis for future growth.  and a solicitation of consents for proposed  posed amendments to the Indenture. We refer
       Crown Point Energy, March 31 2021   amendments to the related indenture. The Ten-  to the Tender Offer Consideration plus the Early
                                           der Offer and the Consent Solicitation are being  Tender Payment (as defined below), including
                                           made on the terms and subject to the conditions  the Consent Payment (as defined below), as
       FINANCE                             set forth in the Offer to Purchase and Consent  the Total Consideration. We refer to the Early
                                           Solicitation Statement dated April 6, 2021, and  Tender Payment as an amount in cash equal to
       OTC Markets Group                   related consent and letter of transmittal. The  US$50 for each US$1,000 principal amount of
                                           Tender Offer will expire at 11:59 p.m. New York  Notes tendered, which includes an amount in
       welcomes NG Energy                  City time, on May 3, 2021, unless extended or  cash equal to US$2 (the Consent Payment) for
                                           earlier terminated by the Company in its sole  each US$1,000 principal amount of Notes ten-
       International Corp. to OTCQX        discretion, subject to applicable law.  dered by such holder of Notes and accepted by
                                              The purpose of the Tender Offer is to acquire  the Company for purchase in the Tender Offer.
       OTC Markets Group, operator of financial mar-  outstanding Notes up to the Maximum Tender  No tenders of Notes submitted after the Expira-
       kets for 11,000 US and global securities, today  Amount, and the purpose of the Consent Solic-  tion Time will be valid.
       announced NG Energy International Corp., a  itation is to obtain Consents (as defined below)   GeoPark, April 06 2021

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 14   08•April•2021
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