Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 25
P. 14
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
ExxonMobil restores output
at Liza oilfield offshore Guyana
THE US super-major ExxonMobil has restored Stabroek block. It is believed to contain more
its crude oil production offshore Guyana after than 8bn barrels of oil in recoverable reserves.
fixing a technical problem. ExxonMobil is the leader of the consortium
Vincent Adams, the head of Guyana’s Envi- that started extracting crude there last Decem-
ronmental Protection Agency (EPA), told Argus ber; the other members of the group are China
Media that the US company had been able to National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) and the
boost output because it was once again re-in- US independent Hess. The first phase of the field
jecting associated gas back into the Liza oilfield. will eventually yield 120,000 bpd, and the sec-
Liza is once again yielding 80,000 barrels per day ond phase of the project is due to start in 2022.
(bpd) of oil, he said. The government of Guyana started to sell
ExxonMobil confirmed part of the report, its share of crude production from Liza via
saying: “[With] gas re-injection online, we are open-market tenders last year, since the country
able to ramp up production and reduce flaring.” has no domestic refining capacity. An affiliate of
It did not confirm Adams’ production figure, Royal Dutch Shell is handling the first three car-
though. “As a matter of practice, we do not com- goes from the field.
ment on day-to-day details of our operations,”
it explained.
Output at the Liza field fell to 27,500 bpd
earlier this month, marking a 65% drop on the
levels posted in early May. The drop was the
result of a technical glitch with gas compression
The problem has been partially resolved,
according to ExxonMobil. “We have two of the
three gas handling systems online and are cur-
rently injecting or using 85% of the produced
gas from the reservoir,” the super-major said.
“Once the system is fully commissioned, we
will be able to produce at full capacity,” it added.
Liza is Guyana’s first producing oilfield. It is
located approximately 193 km offshore in the ExxonMobil is using the Liza Destiny FPSO in Guyana (Photo: ShipSpotting,com)
Petrobras allows Açu Petroleo
to handle more oil exports
BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro- or very large crude carriers (VLCCs) over the
bras has agreed to let Açu Petroleo, the operator 24-month interval between March 2019 and
of an offshore terminal at the port of Açu, export March 2021.
more crude over a two-year period ending in Under the new version, though, Açu Petroleo
March 2021. will be permitted to export a total of 100mn bar-
This decision revises the terms of the agree- rels, more than twice the original figure of 48mn
ment that Petrobras and Açu Petroleo struck barrels. It must still do so before the deal expires
more than a year ago. in March 2021, though.
The original version of the deal provided for Açu Petroleo’s offshore terminal has a
the latter company to carry out 48 transship- throughput capacity of 1.2mn barrels per day
ment operations, each consisting of 1mn barrels (bpd) of oil and is currently handling around
of oil to be loaded onto Suezmax tanker ships 25% of Brazil’s total crude exports.
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 25 25•June•2020