Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 25
P. 15

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                                                     Açu Petróleo operates a 1.2mn bpd oil terminal (Photo: Açu Petróleo)
                         The facility provides transshipment services for   expressed satisfaction with the VLCC transship-
                         a number of European oil operators working in   ment operation. “The Açu Petróleo terminal in
                         the country, including Equinor (Norway), Galp   Porto do Açu is one of the most effective options
                         (Portugal), Repsol (Spain), Royal Dutch Shell   for oil exports in Brazil, given its strategic loca-
                         (UK/Netherlands) and Total (France)  tion between the Santos and Campos basins and
                           One of these companies, Shell, was the ben-  nominal depth of 25 metres, which allows ves-
                         eficiary of the terminal’s first VLCC transship-  sels of the size of VLCCs to moor,” he said. “The
                         ment operation, which was completed earlier   success of this operation for Shell Brasil Petróleo
                         this month. Açu Petroleo’s facility was used to   reinforces the importance of moving large vol-
                         transfer 2mn barrels of crude from shuttle tank-  umes of oil through oil overflow in sheltered ter-
                         ers – the Lena Knutsen and the Vigdis Knutsen,   minals, ensuring a high standard of safety and
                         both operated by a subsidiary of Shell – to the   care for the environment, in addition to greater
                         Greek-flagged Wasit VLCC on June 11-14.  predictability, which increases the competitive-
                           Victor Bomfim, CEO of Açu Petróleo,   ness of the Brazilian oil.” ™

       Sale process begins for four offshore fields

                         BRAZIL’S state-run oil and gas firm Petrobras   to Petrobras in the transaction.
                         has kicked off a sales process for four offshore   The Brazilian national oil operator said it was
                         oilfields.                           planning to divest $20-30bn worth of assets,
                           The fields slated for sale are Atum, Curima,   including eight Brazilian refineries, between
                         Espada and Xareu, all of which are 100% owned   2020 and 2024. In March, it kicked off the sale
                         by Petrobras, the company said in a securities   process for its 51% stake in the gas unit Gaspetro
                         filing. All of them are located in a shallow-wa-  and for its stakes in the Merluza and Lagosta oil-
                         ter zone in northeastern Brazil, off the coast   fields, both located in the shallow-water section
                         of Ceara State in the Mundaú sub-basin. They   of the Santos Basin, the largest offshore sedi-
                         currently produce 4,200 barrels per day (bpd)   mentary basin in Brazil. Petrobras is the sole
                         of oil and 76,900 cubic metres per day of gas on   concessionaire for both fields, which yielded
                         average.                             about 3,600 barrels of oil equivalent per day
                           The fields are located at a distance of 30   (boepd) in 2019.
                         km from the coast in water depths of 30 to 50   Last month, though, Petrobras reportedly
                         metres. They are currently producing from 32   put the sale of a large cluster of offshore oilfields
                         wells and nine fixed platforms, three of which   on hold because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         are manned, according to teaser information   pandemic. The company had announced plans
                         published by Petrobras.              to sell a minority stake in the Marlim cluster of
                           The current concession will expire in 2025,   oilfields off the coast of Rio de Janeiro earlier
                         and the purchaser will have the option to extend   this year but decided to put the process on hold
                         if and when required, the company noted. It   in light of the global slide in oil prices following
                         said that it would give companies interested in   lockdown measures, sources told Reuters. Mar-
                         acquiring the fields until July 10, 2020 to declare   lim accounts for around 10% of Petrobras’ total
                         their intentions.                    output, and some of it is located in the promising
                           Bank of America is acting as financial advisor   pre-salt formation. ™

       Week 25   25•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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