Page 17 - LatAmOil Week 25
P. 17

LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Block): advance initial works for 2021 drill-  with approximately 23,000 km of 2D data. A
                                           ing; Boranda: one appraisal well; Fortuna: drill  time-processed dataset is now available.
       Parex plans to increase             exploration well; Parex’s proposed capital pro-  Depth processing is ongoing using a seis-
                                           gramme to increase near-term production and  mic-horizon-constrained velocity model
       production and re-start             evaluate exploration prospects for long-term  through five different basins, from the prolific
                                                                                Talara basin in the north to the frontier basins in
       capex programmes                    repurchased for cancellation 4.7mn common   Time data are now available in our data
                                              Share Buy-Back: To date, the Company has  the extreme south.
       Parex Resources, a company headquartered in  shares under the normal course issuer bid that  library. Depth results are expected in Q1-2021.
       Calgary, Alberta and focused on Colombian oil  commenced on December 23, 2019. As of June  Well control data will be incorporated using
       exploration and production, provides an opera-  19, 2020, Parex has 138.9mn basic shares out-  rockAVO for  forward modeling and QI
       tional update.                      standing compared to 149.4mn basic shares  modeling.
         Business Update: With greater visibility to  outstanding as at March 31, 2019.  MegaSurveys are very large, merged, post-
       stabilising netbacks and community safety, Parex   Financial Strength: Parex is well-posi-  stack datasets consisting of multiple surveys
       is developing action plans to return shut-in pro-  tioned for the challenges of the current busi-  that have been rebinned to a common grid and
       duction, resume capital activity and generate  ness environment. The Company is debt-free,  then matched to produce a phase-balanced and
       free cash flow. However, the Company’s priority  has an approximate June 1, 2020, cash position  uniformly scaled contiguous regional volume.
       remains the health and safety of its employees,  of $360mn and an undrawn credit facility of   Their regional nature permits fuller explora-
       partners and the communities where we operate.  $200mn. As at March 31, 2020, the Company’s  tion of tectonic and basin developments, leading
         Production: As part of its response to the  working capital was $330mn.  to a greater understanding of existing and poten-
       COVID-19 pandemic and in order to minimise   Parex Resources, June 24 2020  tial petroleum systems.
       the social interactions in its operating commu-                            The PGS Peru MegaSurvey covers both exist-
       nities and maximise shareholder value during                             ing discoveries and licensing opportunities in
       periods of low oil pricing, Parex voluntarily cur-  SERVICES             open blocks, revealing analogs of existing inter-
       tailed Q2-2020 production volumes.                                       ests. It can be used to pick prospects or to eval-
         The Company’s Q2-2020 average sales   First seismic data from          uate the successes and failures so far across the
       volumes are estimated at 42,700 barrels of oil                           entire region. Field-scale geological understand-
       equivalent per day (boepd). The following sets   PGS Peru MegaSurvey     ing can now be placed in a basin-wide context.
       forth Q2-2020 operational estimates: produc-                               The Peruvian continental margin is char-
       tion (average), 41,200 boepd; sales (average),   now available           acterised by the Peru-Chile trench, where the
       42,700 boepd; Brent Oil (average posted price),                          Nazca Plate converges obliquely and subducts
       $33 per barrel; Parex price differential and trans-  First data is now available on PGS’ Peru MegaS-  beneath the South American Plate. This mar-
       portation expense, $17.25-17.50 per boe; capital  urvey. This large-scale merged and matched seis-  gin is a classic accretionary prism, comprising a
       expenditures, $10-12mn.             mic dataset, including 2D and 3D data, provides  series of Mesozoic-Cenozoic fore-arc basins that
         We expect to gradually increase production  E&P companies interested in South America  form the continental slope.
       into Q4-2020 with a targeted range of 44,000-  with an excellent opportunity to evaluate pro-  These basins are separated by rotated base-
       48,000 boepd. Production is currently above  spectivity on a regional basis.  ment highs, generated by strike-slip faulting.
       40,000 boepd and Parex estimates Q3-2020   Targeting the extensive coastline of Peru, this  Intermittent reactivation of these basement
       production to average 42,000-44,000 boepd. To  PGS MegaSurvey comprises 21,000 square km  faults caused the extension and inversion of sev-
       date the June 2020 Vasconia differential to Brent  of 3D seismic matched and merged together  eral offshore basins during the Cenozoic.
       oil price has averaged approximately $3.50 per
         2020 Capital Expenditures: The Company
       is preparing to re-activate its development and
       exploration programme. We estimated H1-2020
       invested capital to be $80-85mn and a potential
       H2-2020 capital programme of $65-70mn for a
       total full-year 2020 capital of $145-155mn.
         Depending on market conditions and com-
       munity safety, over the next quarter Parex is pre-
       paring to approve investment in the following
       development projects: LLA-34 and Cabrestero:
       Completions and work-overs (four to six wells)
       plus development drilling (four to six wells);
       Capachos: Andina field flowline completion;
       Aguas Blancas: Completion of two drilled explo-
       ration wells.
         The Company will be building contingent
       plans to add a diverse exploration programme
       for Q4-2020. A further capital update will be
       provided as part of the Q2-2020 financial results
       for the following projects: La Belleza (VIM-1

       Week 25   25•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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