Page 9 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         operators of both blocks have had to revise their  of Indian buyers can’t afford to pay these prices.
                         schedule because of the coronavirus (COVID-19)  We will see demand destruction across various
                         pandemic.                            sectors,” Platts quoted an unnamed senior LNG
                                                              industry official as saying. “Whatever little avail-
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   ability there is in the global spot market, China
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   is taking those cargoes.”
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor .
                                                              If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         Asia: IOC reportedly returns to spot LNG  Asia’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         market                               NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor .
                         State-run Indian Oil Corp. (IOC) has reportedly
                         returned to the spot liquefied natural gas (LNG)  DMEA: Nigeria works on new refining re-
                         market despite prices surging to record highs in  vamp plan
                         recent weeks.                        Nigeria’s state-owned NNPC is negotiating a
                           The company has launched a tender for  $1bn prepayment deal with trading firms to
                         an LNG cargo to be delivered on February 13,  raise funds to modernise its largest refinery in
                         Reuters reported on January 11 citing unnamed  Port Harcourt.
                         sources. The sources added that the tender,   According to Reuters, the prepayment funds
                         which is set to close on January 13, was the first  would be repaid over seven years through deliv-
                         since IOC bought a cargo for February 21 deliv-  eries of crude oil, as well as refined products once
                         ery at more than $13 per mmBtu ($359.58 per  the refinery has been modernised. Cairo-based
                         1,000 cubic metres).                 Afreximbank is helping to arrange the financing,
                           The Indian refiner is looking for LNG at a  the news agency said.
                         time of increased regional demand, which has   The 210,000 barrel per day (bpd) Port Har-
                         been stoked by plummeting winter tempera-  court facility and NNPC’s other refineries in
                         tures. Beijing, for example, has recorded its cold-  Kaduna and Warri were built in the 1970s and
                         est weather since 1966.              are in need of extensive repairs and modernisa-
                           Purchasers across East Asia have been forced  tion. Their poor state means they can only oper-
                         to ramp up their imports as they have found  ate at a fraction of their combined 445,000 bpd
                         existing LNG purchases and gas storages to be  nameplate capacity.
                         insufficient. At the same time, unplanned pro-  NNPC has made a number of unsuccessful
                         duction outages around the world – including  attempts to rehabilitate the facilities over the
                         in Australia, Malaysia and Qatar – have exacer-  years. Last year it similarly tried to partner with
                         bated the situation.                 oil traders, producers and engineering firms to
                           S&P Global Platts reported on January 11  fund refurbishment. But it gave up after a year
                         that the JKM benchmark had hit an all-time  of fruitless talks.
                         high of $21.45 per mmBtu ($593.31 per 1,000   The company’s latest effort comes amid a
                         cubic metres) on January 8, while the West India  squeeze in global capital as a result of the coro-
                         Marker (WIM) benchmark set its own record  navirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Investors also
                         of $17.925 per mmBtu ($495.81 per 1,000 cubic  have less appetite for the commodities market
                         metres).                             because of weak prices.
                           Soaring prices led one Indian LNG importer   Over in Egypt, the central bank has launched
                         to predict that throughput levels at some of the  an EGP15bn ($950mn) initiative to support
                         country’s terminals could fall by 10%-12% in the  motorists that want to convert their vehicles to
                         first quarter of 2021. The source told Platts that  run on natural gas.
                         imports could drop to 5.5-5.7mn tonnes from   Egypt enjoys a surplus of natural gas supply
                         6.5mn tonnes in the final quarter of last year.  and wants to give gas a greater role in its econ-
                           “The quick change in the market dynamics  omy. The government eventually wants to see
                         has taken Indian LNG buyers by surprise. A lot  as many as 1.3mn gas-fuelled cars on the road,

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