Page 13 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

       Egypt offers $950mn in loans

       to convert cars

        EGYPT            EGYPT’S  central bank has launched an  converting existing vehicles that are over 20 years
                         EGP15bn ($950mn) initiative to support motor-  old. The target is to convert or replace 250,000
       Egypt has a surplus of   ists that want to convert their vehicles to run on  cars in the next three years. President Abdel-Fat-
       gas supply and wants   natural gas.                    tah El-Sisi also said last year that all new cars
       to put the fuel to use in   Egypt now has a surplus of natural gas supply,  would be required to operate on natural gas
       its economy.      thanks to the launch of the Eni-operated Zohr  before they were given a licence.
                         field in 2017 and other gas projects in recent   The central bank unveiled the support pack-
                         years. The government is therefore working to  age on January 3, on the eve of Egypt’s first Go
                         give gas a greater role in the Egyptian economy. It  Green Exhibition. The government used the
                         wants to see more gas-fuelled cars on the road, in  event, which ran until January 6, to inform
                         order to reduce pollution levels in Egypt’s largest  car companies and the general public about its
                         cities, reduce transport costs and bring down the  gas conversion strategy and how financing can
                         country’s fuel import bill.          be obtained. It also sought to demonstrate the
                           The central bank’s initiative will see loans  environmental and cost benefits of gas-fuelled
                         with a 3% interest rate provided through banks  cars.
                         to individuals seeking to convert their gaso-  In addition, the government presented the
                         line-fuelled cars to use natural gas as well. The  steps it is taking to ensure the necessary infra-
                         financing is available for between seven and 10  structure is in place to support gas-fuelled trans-
                         years.                               port. Egypt already has 200 natural gas filling
                           Egypt wants eventually to see as many as  stations in operation, and wants to open 325
                         1.3mn gas-fuelled cars on the road, primarily by  more in 2021. ™

       Iraq and Jordan discuss renewing

       supply agreement

        IRAQ             THE governments of Iraq and Jordan are hold-  that, according to the Cabinet’s decision, the
                         ing discussions regarding the renewal of their  transportation cost was calculated at $11 from
       Flows were steady   agreement on crude oil supplies between the  Baiji to Jordan, and this is among the items of
       between September   two countries.                     bilateral agreements between the two countries,
       2019 and April 2020,   A bilateral deal was signed in February 2019.  and the supreme interest is valued by the country
       when the pandemic   It states that 10,000 barrels per day (bpd) of  and the government.”
       caused disruptions.  crude from Iraq should be imported to cover   Flows were steady from September 2019
                         around 7% of Jordan’s current demand. After  until April 2020, giving a cumulative total of
                         lengthy delays, the first batch of Iraqi crude was  2.44mn barrels before cargoes began being
                         trucked from Baiji to Jordan via Kirkuk in Sep-  unloaded into Jordanian trucks at the border
                         tember that year.                    in an effort to halt the spread of coronavirus
                           At the time, it was reported that Jordan would  (COVID-19).
                         purchase the oil at a $16 per barrel discount to   Shipments were severely affected by the
                         Brent in order to cover the transport and devia-  pandemic and the resultant drop in oil price,
                         tion in specifications with Iraqi goods exported  with several pauses in supplies and no crude
                         through the port of Aqaba, receiving preferential  at all being sent to Jordan in August. Cargoes
                         rates in return.                     resumed in September following a July agree-
                           However, last week, in an interview with the  ment between Amman and Baghdad on the
                         Iraq News Agency (INA), Alaa al-Yasiri, gen-  resumption of oil exports, with Iraq completing
                         eral manager of Iraq’s state oil marketer SOMO,  all of the required logistical preparations. Jor-
                         said: “The Oil Marketing Company does not  danian Energy Minister Hala Zawati said that
                         have differential prices, but rather fixed prices  crude flows had stopped after prices fell below
                         according to the market … Jordan stipulated  $20 per barrel. ™

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