Page 11 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                               NRG                                                DMEA

                         Trafigura paid the same amount for Vostok Oil  the super-major said that as Prelude is a mul-
                         as its book value. It also puts Vostok Oil’s overall  ti-decade project, its focus in on sustained per-
                         value at $70bn, exceeding Rosneft’s entire mar-  formance over the long term.
                         ket capitalisation of $62bn.           However, Shell has backed out of other FLNG
                                                              projects, as have other producers, likely deterred
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   by having witnessed the challenges at Prelude.
                         the former Soviet Union’s oil and gas sector then please
                         click here for NewsBase’s FSU Monitor .  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                                                              the global LNG sector then please click here for
                         GLNG: Ups and downs in Australia     NewsBase’s GLNG Monitor .
                         LNG-related news from Australia has been
                         mixed in recent days. Chevron said last week  Latin America: Bolivian opportunities
                         that an inspection of Train 1 at its Gorgon LNG  UK-based Echo Energy has signed a co-opera-
                         project in Western Australia had resulted in weld  tion agreement with Bolivia’s GTL International,
                         quality issues being identified. These are similar  a subsidiary of UruboCorp.
                         to the weld quality issues that kept Train 2 at   The two companies have pledged to work
                         Gorgon offline for months in 2020, and are likely  together to promote, identify and develop new
                         to take at least several weeks to repair.  opportunities in the South American country’s
                           The discovery has raised expectations that  hydrocarbon and renewable energy sectors.
                         Train 3 will also have similar issues that will need  They have also agreed to grant each other a six-
                         to be dealt with once Train 1 is returned to ser-  month period of exclusivity.
                         vice. Chevron has not said how long it expects to   So far, Echo has not said whether it is inter-
                         take to carry out repairs on Train 1.  ested in any specific projects in Bolivia. However,
                           The faulty welds affect propane heat exchang-  it has said it believes changing conditions in that
                         ers – also known as kettles – that are used in the  country have served to open up a “window of
                         liquefaction process. The Australian Financial  opportunity” for new investments. Additionally,
                         Review reported that all of the kettles across  it has highlighted UruboCorp’s experience in the
                         Gorgon’s three trains were manufactured by the  local energy sector, saying it hoped to benefit
                         same company in South Korea.         from its association with the Bolivian company.
                           The prolonged outage at Train 1 comes as   Changing conditions may also be a factor in
                         LNG spot prices in Northeast Asia have risen on  EIG Energy Partners’ decision to sell a 27.5%
                         seasonal winter demand and some supply short-  stake in TBG, the operator of the Brazilian sec-
                         ages. But the impact of the outages at Gorgon is  tion of GASBOL, a pipeline built to pump Boliv-
                         somewhat limited by Chevron only taking one  ian natural gas to the Brazilian market, for an
                         train at a time offline for maintenance.  unspecified sum. GASBOL has been operating
                           Royal Dutch Shell, meanwhile, had more  below capacity for some time, as Brazil has been
                         positive news to report as it returned its giant  importing less Bolivian fuel.
                         Prelude floating LNG (FLNG) project to service.   The sale is not indicative of any loss of interest
                         The facility – the largest floating structure ever  in the Brazilian gas sector on EIG’s part, how-
                         built – had been offline for around a year owing  ever. The US-based investment fund said in a
                         to a technical disruption to its diesel genera-  press release announcing the sale that it wanted
                         tors, which illustrates the complexity of FLNG  to expand its involvement in Brazilian gas pro-
                         technology.                          jects and hoped to work with Fluxys to achieve
                           Analysts have said that the remote location  this goal.
                         of the Prelude facility, 475 km off Australia’s west
                         coast, as well as restrictions related to the corona-  If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         virus (COVID-19) pandemic have complicated   the Latin American oil and gas sector then please click
                         Shell’s efforts to restart operations. Nonetheless,   here for NewsBase’s LatAmOil Monitor .

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