Page 18 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 18

DMEA                                                LNG                                                DMEA

       Analyst: LNG construction sites

       key to fighting in Mozambique

        MOZAMBIQUE       CONSTRUCTION sites for onshore facilities  saying by The Africa Report.
                         related to a large-scale LNG project appear to be   Meanwhile, Raymakers continued, Mozam-
       The focal point of the   a focal point of the campaign by Islamist insur-  bique’s government has not yet formulated a
       attacks seems to be the   gents to seize control of Mozambique’s northern  comprehensive strategy for pushing the insur-
       construction projects.  Cabo Delgado Province, according to a repre-  gents back. And since President Filipe Nyusi has
                         sentative of the Verisk Maplecroft consultancy.  indicated that he is open to foreign assistance,
                           Alexandre Raymakers, a senior Africa  but not in the form of “boots on the ground,”
                         analyst for the consultancy, commented ear-  attempts  to  combat  ASWJ  are  likely  to  be
                         lier this week that troops affiliated with Ahlu  time-consuming, he said.
                         Sunna Wa-Jamo (ASWJ) were working to tie   In the meantime, he remarked, “the civilian
                         Mozambican troops down in areas near the  population is bearing the brunt” of the fighting
                         LNG construction sites on the Afungi Pen-  in northern Mozambique. Civilians are also
                         insula. Even though these high-value sites  being forced to pay taxes to ASWJ to fund the
                         are already strongly defended, the armed  insurgents, he noted.
                         forces, known as Forças Armadas de Defesa   France’s Total is currently working to build an
                         de Moçambique (FADM), are working to keep  onshore natural gas liquefaction plant and asso-
                         them out of the insurgents’ hands, he said.  ciated facilities on the Afungi Peninsula for the
                           As a result, he commented, ASWJ’s other  Mozambique LNG project. The complex will use
                         units have been able to step up their efforts  gas from an offshore block known as Area 1 to
                         to take control of larger towns in Cabo Del-  produce LNG for export. The French company
                         gado. Since most FADM troops are not in  puts the total cost of this project at $20bn and has
                         those towns, the Islamist group has been able  already arranged to cover most of this sum with
                         to “create a narrative that the government  $14.9bn in loans from commercial and develop-
                         can’t defend its own people,” he was quoted as  ment banks. ™

       Qatar hires McDermott for

       LNG FEED work

        QATAR            QATARGAS has handed a front-end engineer-  (NFE) project, which will ramp up the coun-
                         ing design (FEED) contract to McDermott Inter-  try’s liquefaction capacity from 77mn to 110mn
       The US company    national for the North Field South (NFS) project,  tonnes per year (tpy). This first expansion stage is
       did not disclose the   which represents the second stage in Qatar’s plan  expected to begin flowing gas by 2025.
       contract’s value.  to expand its LNG production capacity over the   NFS will raise output further to 126mn tpy
                         next decade.                         by the late 2020s. The contract with McDermott
                            The contract covers the replication of five off-  marks the first major award by Qatar for this
                         shore wellhead platforms, McDermott said on  stage. The US company did not disclose its value.
                         January 6, noting that work at its office in Doha   For NFE, Qatar Petroleum hired Air Products
                         would begin immediately.             last August to supply gas liquefaction technology
                            “For more than 30 years, McDermott has  and equipment, and Baker Hughes two months
                         executed projects in Qatar’s North Field, and  later for multiple refrigerant compressors. Last
                         we will leverage our experience and local  year it also reserved LNG shipbuilding capacity
                         resources to successfully deliver this project,”  with three South Korean shipbuilders in an order
                         McDermott said. “As oil and gas field devel-  worth $19bn, to build a fleet to deliver its extra
                         opment continues in the region, we are poised  production to markets.
                         to build on this initial work to further sup-  As oil and gas producers face increasing scru-
                         port Qatargas as they progress the subsequent  tiny over emissions from their operations, Qatar
                         phases of the NFS project.”          aims to capture and store some 7mn tpy of CO2
                            Qatar Petroleum started development drill-  from its LNG facilities by 2027, its energy minis-
                         ing in March last year at the North Field East  ter, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, said in December. ™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 02   14•January•2021
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