Page 19 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 19

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       Qatargas completes first            SAR2.231bn last year, down 14.01% from   petroleum product,” the ministry reportedly
                                              The company has generated revenues of
       ship-to-ship LNG cargo              SAR 2.594bn in the earlier year.
                                              The earnings per share (EPS) settled at
       transfer                            SAR2.753 in 2020, against SAR 3.508 in   Kuwait may set up new
       Qatargas Operating Company Limited     It is noteworthy to mention that during   petrochemical project
       (Qatargas) has announced the completion   the Q3 of 2020, the company recorded
       of the first-ever commercial ship-to-ship   SAR156mn in net profits, down 26.8% from   Kuwait will issue a tender in April for
       (STS) transfer of a LNG cargo involving a   SAR213.12mn in the year-ago quarter.  the appointment of a consultant for a
       Q-Flex LNG vessel.                                                       feasibility study for a new petrochemical
         A full cargo of 212,000 cubic metres                                   project, a local newspaper said on January
       aboard the Qatargas-chartered Q-Flex vessel   Mohamed Salah El-Din       4.
       ‘Mesaimeer’ was loaded at Ras Laffan Port                                  The government-owned Petrochemical
       on December 18 2020 and delivered as two   named chairman of Pachin      Industries Company (PIC) will issue the
       separate parcel discharges. One parcel was                               tender, which is one of 76 contracts the firm
       delivered as the ship-to-ship transfer in Subic   The board of directors of Paint and   intends to sign in 2021, the Arabic language
       Bay on January 6, 2021 and the second parcel   Chemicals Industries (Pachin) approved   daily Alanba said, citing PIC sources.
       as a delivery to Jiangsu LNG terminal, China.   the appointment of Mohamed Mohamed   “PIC intends to issue a tender for the
       Both sales were made to PetroChina as the   Salah El-Din as a non-executive chairman.  appointment of a consultant to carry out
       customer.                              In addition, the board also named   feasibility for a new project in Kuwait,” the
         Commenting on this significant    Amr Mahmoud Abdullah the company’s   paper said without providing further details.
       accomplishment, Khalid bin Khalifa Al   managing director, according to a bourse   It said the contracts planned in 2021
       Thani, Qatargas’ Chief Executive Officer,   disclosure on January 11.    include new projects, supply of services and
       stated: “We are delighted to announce this   Mohamed Mohamed Salah El-Din and   equipment, and installation of systems and
       shipping breakthrough as it is for the first   Sahar Mohamed El-Marsafy have been   equipment at the company’s sites.
       time that one of the largest LNG vessels,   appointed as Pachin’s representatives in the   Another key tender to be issued is for
       a Q-Flex, is involved in a commercial STS   board of directors of Al Obour for Paints   the appointment of a consultant to conduct
       operation. This achievement will enable us to   and Chemical Industries.  a feasibility study for a project to convert
       transport considerable volumes as efficiently   During the Q1 of fiscal year 2020/2021,   plastic waste into petroleum products, it
       as possible into key markets. Moreover, this   the company posted net profits of EGP   added.
       will be an attractive option for our potential   20.06mn, up from EGP3.616mn in the year-
       customers with limited shipping capacity   ago period.
       and for those who are looking for smaller or                             Saudi NEOM JV working
       irregular sized cargo parcels.”
         He added: “STS transfers such as this   Egypt plans to launch          with Lazard on $5bln
       one will optimise our shipping capabilities
       by using our most efficient LNG vessels to   refinery projects worth     hydrogen project - sources
       shift volumes into key high-value markets.
       I would like to thank PetroChina, who are   $7bn in FY2021/2022          A joint venture comprising Air Products,
       one of our long-term partners in the LNG                                 ACWA Power and NEOM has hired
       industry, for their support and cooperation.”  The Egyptian government is planning   financial firm Lazard to advise it on a
         The LNG vessel, ‘Mesaimeer,’ is on a long-  to launch several new oil refineries and   planned $5bn hydrogen project in the
       term charter to Qatargas and operated by   projects in Cairo, Alexandria, Assiut   NEOM high-tech business zone in Saudi
       NSQL – Nakilat Shipping (Qatar) Limited.  and Suez at a total cost of $7bn in fiscal   Arabia, sources said.
                                           year 2021/2022 that starts next July,   Lazard, which advised Saudi oil giant
                                           long-serving Oil Minister Tarek El Molla   Aramco on its initial public offering in
       Advanced Petrochemical’s            announced while attending the general   2019, has recently approached banks to
                                                                                sound out their appetite for the project, said
                                           assemblies of a number of public sector-
       net profits drop 21.5% in           owned refineries.                    two sources familiar with the matter.
                                                                                  Lazard, the world’s largest hydrogen
                                              The new projects spearheaded by the
       2020                                oil ministry include the Mostorod refinery   producer New York-listed Air Products,
                                                                                Saudi energy developer ACWA Power and
                                           and the High Octane gasoline refinery
       The net profits after Zakat and tax of   in Alexandria. During the past year, the   NEOM did not immediately respond to
       Advanced Petrochemical Company declined   ministry has also commissioned the Assiut   requests for comment.
       by 21.51% to SAR596mnin 2020, compared   Oil Refining Company’s Octane complex.   The project, which will be equally owned
       to SAR759.31mn in 2019.             The Egyptian government’s refinery capacity  by the three partners, will produce green
         In addition, the share of profit on   development drive is aimed at achieving the   ammonia for export to global markets, the
       investment in SK Advanced Co, an    goal of self-sufficiency in gasoline and diesel  companies said in July last year.
       associated company in South Korea, reduced   by 2023. “Refineries play an important role
       by 55.1% in 2020.                   in meeting the needs of the local market for

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