Page 17 - DMEA Week 02 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                               LNG                                                DMEA

       FRU arrives at Ghana LNG terminal

        GHANA            A floating regasification unit (FRU) has arrived  energy mix serves as a catalyst for industrial and
                         on site for Ghana’s first LNG import terminal,  economic growth.’
       The Tema LNG project   with commercial operations scheduled to start   The terminal’s use of an FRU twinned with an
       will take up to 1.7mn   in the current quarter.        LNG carrier for storage is “innovative”, Reganosa
       tpy of LNG.         The Tema LNG project will take up to 1.7mn  noted.
                         tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG, enabling local   “This system provides Ghana with all the
                         thermal power plants (TPPs) and industrial  functionality of a large-scale FRU-terminal, but
                         facilities to switch to gas from costlier and dirtier  with added flexibility, allowing it to respond to
                         liquid fuels. Its developer is Access LNG, a part-  rapidly increasing domestic gas demand with a
                         nership between Africa-focused fund Helios  cleaner and more affordable energy solution,” the
                         Investment Partners and LNG infrastructure  Spanish company said.
                         developer Gasfin.                      The contract award comes after financial
                           The FRU arrived on January 7 and was sup-  close was reached on the project in Novem-
                         plied by Jiangnan Shipbuilding, a subsidiary of  ber last year, following receipt of a $31mn loan
                         China State Shipbuiding. It left the Chinese ship-  from the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund
                         yard in late November.               (EAIF).
                           The terminal had originally been due to start   Most of Ghana’s TPPs run on light crude
                         receiving gas in mid-2020 but its launch was  oil and fuel source, making them both ineffi-
                         delayed, in part because of disruptions caused  cient and expensive. The government wants to
                         by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Its  expand the role of gas to bring down energy
                         LNG will be supplied by Royal Dutch Shell under  costs, and increase access to reliable power
                         a long-term contract, while regasified volumes  supply. The lack of stable electricity supply has
                         will be sold to Ghana National Petroleum Corp.  been a major impediment to economic growth
                         (GNPC) for onward delivery to customers.  in the country.
                           Spanish LNG terminal operator Reganosa   Ghana first began developing its gas market
                         also reported on January 8 that it had obtained  in 2008 by importing pipeline gas from Nigeria,
                         a contract to operate and maintain the terminal.  via the West African Gas Pipeline. But supplies
                         The contract covers the FRU and an LNG carrier  have not lived up to expectations, with Nigerian
                         that will serve as a floating storage unit (FSU),  suppliers often failing to provide contracted
                         along with a 6-km gas pipeline and a pressure  volumes.
                         reduction and metering station connected to the   There have been a number of attempts to
                         existing pipeline network.           advance LNG import projects in the country
                           “The Tema LNG terminal project supports  over the years, but so far, the Tema LNG scheme
                         Ghana’s ambitions to continue on its trajectory as  is the only one to have got off the ground. In
                         one of the fasting growing economies in Africa,  addition to LNG imports, the country has looked
                         by delivering the energy infrastructure to sup-  to develop its own gas reserves, including at the
                         port accelerated industrialisation,” Hellios part-  Tullow-operated Jubilee field, launch in 2014,
                         ner Ogdemi Ofuya commented. “As evidenced  the TEN deposits, which came on stream in
                         in similar fast-growing economies in Asia and  2016, and the Sankofa field, which saw first gas
                         Latin America, the introduction of LNG into the  in 2018.™

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