Page 12 - AsianOil Week 08 2023
P. 12

AsianOil                                          POLICY                                             AsianOil

       Fossil fuel consumption subsidies in

       2022 were at record high of $1 trillion

        XXX              ACCORDING to the International Energy   The finding of the report underlines the prob-
                         Agency (IEA), worldwide subsidies for fossil fuel  lem of governments dealing with high fuel infla-
       The reason was    consumption increased dramatically in 2022,  tion, while still trying to encourage the energy
       unprecedented market   surpassing $1 trillion for the first time.  transition. The fossil fuel spending by world
       turbulence.         This surge in subsidies was caused by energy  governments in 2022 – not just consumption
                         market turbulence, which led to international  subsidies but total spending – was more than
                         fuel prices soaring well above what many con-  twice the total investment in renewable energy
                         sumers paid. Consumption subsidies are energy  sources, according to BloombergNEF.
                         price cuts for consumers, for example setting   These rising consumption subsidies indeed
                         fixed prices of retail gasoline.     contrast sharply with the Glasgow Climate Pact,
                           The 2022 subsidies, driven by the global  which called for countries to phase out inefficient
                         energy crisis resulting from Russia's invasion of  fossil fuel subsidies while providing targeted
                         Ukraine, were twice the levels seen in 2021 and  support to the poorest and most vulnerable.
                         almost five times those in 2020. This is according   The November 2021 Glasgow Climate Pact
                         to the IEA in a just published report, Fossil Fuel  effectively proposed to accelerate efforts to close
                         Consumption Subsidies 2022.          the 2030 emissions gap by asking countries to
                           However, the IEA found that the government  align their commitments with Paris Agree-
                         measures taken to protect consumers were not  ment goals and with a just transition to net zero,
                         well-targeted, and although they may have  according to the World Resources Institute.
                         helped to alleviate the impact of skyrocketing   The pact called on countries to “phase out
                         costs, they artificially maintained the competi-  … inefficient fossil fuel subsidies, while provid-
                         tiveness of fossil fuels compared with low-emis-  ing targeted support to the poorest and most
                         sions alternatives.                  vulnerable”.

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 08   24•February•2023
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