Page 14 - AsianOil Week 08 2023
P. 14

AsianOil                                          POLICY                                             AsianOil

       Court overturns ex-PM's decision

       to prevent offshore gas project

        AUSTRALIA        AN Australian court on August 21 overturned  made in secret.
                         a controversial decision by the previous prime   An independent inquiry in November 2022
       The court said the   minister to block a gas exploration project off   concluded that Morrison's decision to secretly
       decision was not   Australia’s east coast, paving the way for devel-  appoint himself to five ministries, including
       impartial.        opment to finally go forward.        resources, during the pandemic, undermined
                           The Federal Court quashed former Prime  trust in government.
                         Minister Scott Morrison's decision to prevent   A separate legal struggle is playing out at San-
                         development of petroleum exploration per-  tos’ $3.6bn Barossa gas project in the country’s
                         mit 11 in the Sydney basin offshore New South  north. In late January a regulator instructed the
                         Wales State. It concluded that the decision may  company to assess environmental risks to under-
                         not have been impartial.             water indigenous cultural heritage before com-
                           The ruling means the permit can now be con-  mencing pipeline construction.
                         sidered by the Commonwealth of New South   Australia’s offshore regulator announced the
                         Wales Offshore Petroleum Joint Authority. It  requirement on January 13. It followed a court
                         comes after an agreement reached by the pro-  order made in December, which stated that San-
                         ject's owners and the Australian government to  tos must consult indigenous people on the Tiwi
                         end the court fight earlier in February.  Lands regarding the environmental impact of
                           The project is 85% controlled by Asset Energy,  the project’s drilling plan.
                         a unit of BPH Energy, while the remaining share   Pipeline construction was meant to begin at
                         is owned by Bounty Oil & Gas.        the end of January, with first gas from Barossa
                           Asset Energy last year contested Morrison's  targeted for the first half of 2025. Santos has no
                         decision to block the permit’s development,  date for when the new assessment will be com-
                         citing the fact he had done so in his capacity as  pleted, and it is now unclear when drilling will
                         resources minister – a ministerial appointment  resume, a spokesperson told Reuters. ™

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