Page 17 - AsianOil Week 08 2023
P. 17

AsianOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                           AsianOil

       Chevron invests $26mn in            Standing Agreement that was entered into   half of FY2023, as higher wholesale costs
                                                                                  Origin is optimistic about the second
                                           by Chevron Australia Pty Ltd and the Joint
       Australian CCS research             Authority for the Commonwealth/South   begin to be reflected in customer tariffs.
                                                                                The company recently upgraded its
                                           Australia offshore area with respect to
       Chevron Australia, which is a subsidiary   Exploration Permits EPP44 and EPP45 in   FY2023 energy market guidance due to
       of Chevron, a US-based energy company,   the Great Australian Bight.     expected improvements in natural gas and
       has announced that it will be contributing                               electricity gross profit. Origin is in ongoing
       a total of A$38 million (about US$26.5                                   discussions with Brookfield consortium,
       million) to support carbon capture and   HMM spends $1.12bn on 9         its suitor, regarding its takeover proposal,
       storage (CCS) research projects in Western                               against a backdrop of major regulatory
       Australia and Victoria. The aim of this   methanol-fuelled containerships  changes, including a price cap on gas prices
       funding is to further the understanding and                              announced by the Australian government.
       advancement of CCS technology, which   HMM, a South Korean shipping company,   Brookfield, in partnership with
       is seen as a key tool in reducing carbon   has signed a newbuilding contract with   MidOcean Energy, plans to acquire all of
       emissions in the future. The contribution   Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries (HSHI)   Origin's issued shares at a price of A$9/
       has been made in response to a call by   and HJ Shipbuilding and Construction   share, with Brookfield acquiring the energy
       the Australian Petroleum Production &   (HJSC) for nine 9,000 TEU containerships   markets business and MidOcean acquiring
       Exploration Association (APPEA) for the   that will be powered by methanol dual-fuel   the integrated gas business, including
       government to invest in new gas supply   engines. The deal, which costs $1.12 billion,   a 27.5% interest in APLNG based in
       and emissions reduction measures in   includes the construction of seven ships   Queensland. Last month, Origin granted
       the upcoming Federal Budget, as well   by HSHI and two by HJSC. The vessels are   the consortium more time to complete the
       as to establish a national carbon capture   expected to be delivered from 2025 to 2026   A$18.4bn acquisition deal.
       utilisation and storage (CCUS) roadmap.  and deployed on the Asia-North/Latin
         Out of the total sum, A$22 million   America and Asia-India trade routes. HMM
       (US$15.38 million) will be allocated to   plans to increase its eco-friendly shipping   Inpex set to receive two blocks
       the Barrow Dampier CCS Regional Study,   capacity from the current 820,000 TEU to
       which is being led by global technology   1.2 million TEU by 2026. Methanol is one   offshore Malaysia
       company SLB. This study will conduct   of the several sustainable energy sources
       a 3D seismic and storage assessment to   the company is exploring to achieve its   According to a statement made by Inpex on
       identify potential CCS opportunities in the   target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.   February 15, the company has been awarded
       Carnarvon basin, located offshore Western   To secure the supply of methanol for the   two offshore exploration licenses as part of
       Australia. The remaining A$16 million   newly-ordered ships, HMM has signed a   the Malaysia Bid Round 2022. Inpex has
       (US$11.18 million) will be used to support   Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)   entered into production sharing contracts
       the development of new infrastructure at   with five fuel suppliers, including Proman,   with Petronas, Petronas Carigali (PCSB),
       the Otway International Test Centre in   PTTEP, European Energy, and Hyundai   and Petroleum Sarawak Exploration &
       Victoria, managed by Australian carbon   Corporation, and will collaborate with each   Production (PSEP) through its subsidiaries
       capture and storage research organisation,   partner to develop carbon-neutral fuels.   Inpex Malaysia E&P 4E and Inpex Malaysia
       CO2CRC. This project will enable the   The company is also studying the feasibility   E&P SK418. The newly awarded exploration
       testing of carbon dioxide migration and   of green shipping corridors between Busan   licenses, Block 4E and Block SK418, are
       validation of new modelling techniques that   in Korea and key ports in the US and   located off the coast of Sarawak in Malaysia
       could improve storage processes in future   exploring the potential of nuclear power   and are expected to contribute to Inpex's
       CCS projects.                       and hydrogen for ships.              move towards natural gas, as outlined in its
         Michelle LaPoint, Chevron Australia’s                                  Inpex Vision @2022 announced in February
       General Manager of Asset Development,                                    2022, as well as to expand the company's
       has stated that the company is committed   Origin returns to profit in 2022  operations in Southeast Asia. Inpex will
       to promoting the use of CCS technology in                                operate Block 4E with a 52.5% interest,
       Australia, and that the company has decades  On February 16, Origin, an Australian   while PCSB and PSEP will hold a 40% and
       of experience in the area, including the   company, announced a net profit of   7.5% interest, respectively. The ownership
       deployment of CCS technologies in various   A$399mn ($276.5mn) during H1FY2023,   structure of Block SK418 is the same as that
       locations around the world. She added that   up from a loss of A$131mn in the previous   of Block 4E. These exploration licenses are
       Chevron’s support for the Barrow Dampier   year, due to an increase in LNG prices.   the first awarded to Inpex in Malaysia since
       CCS Regional Study and the Otway    However, the company's underlying profit,   its successful bid for two licenses off the
       International Test Centre projects reflects   excluding extraordinary items, decreased   coast of Sabah in 2012. ™
       the company’s confidence in the potential   by 84% year over year to A$44mn due to
       of CCS for reducing emissions. These two   higher fuel and electricity procurement
       projects are expected to meet Chevron’s   costs that were not fully reflected in
       expenditure commitments under a Good   customer tariffs.

       Week 08   24•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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