Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 42 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canada’s oil industry under

       new environmental pressure

       Calls for Canada’s oil and gas industry to take a more aggressive approach

       to decarbonisation are intensifying on several fronts

        CANADA           PRESSURE on Canada’s oil and gas industry
                         to take a more aggressive approach to decar-
       WHAT:             bonisation is intensifying. This can be seen on
       Various organisations   several fronts, both on a domestic and interna-
       are stepping up pressure   tional level. And the country’s leading oil sands
       on Canada’s oil and   producers this week provided more clarity on
       gas companies to   their plans for achieving net-zero greenhouse
       decarbonise.      gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
                           This suggests that they are committed to their
       WHY:              new emissions goals – but their plans could still
       Separate reports have   fall short of what the international community
       found that Canada   and the Canadian government want to achieve.
       needs to do more to hit   As the long-term deadlines slowly move closer,
       international climate   the question of what can realistically be achieved
       change targets, while   will increasingly be in the spotlight.
       projecting that the
       country’s oil demand   High costs
       will fall.        Estimates of the cost of decarbonisation are
                         beginning to emerge. The Royal Bank of Can-
       WHAT NEXT:        ada (RBC) said this week that transitioning the
       Leading oil sands   country’s economy to net-zero emissions over
       producers have provided   the next 30 years could cost about CAD2 trillion
       more detail on their   ($1.6 trillion). While this figure covers the entire
       plans to reach net-zero   economy, and not just oil and gas, it illustrates
       emissions.        the challenging and expensive path ahead.
                           However, RBC said that this level of invest-                           The oil sands is
                         ment into decarbonisation was realistic.                                 Canada’s single
                           “In total, it seems like a daunting number,  source of GHG emissions, at nearly 10% of   largest source of GHG
                         but when you break it down, it’s manageable for  the country’s total, as well as accounting for   emissions according to
                         an economy like Canada,” John Stackhouse, an  one-third of the Canadian oil industry’s 2019   RBC.
                         RBC senior vice-president in the office of the  emissions.
                         CEO, and co-author of the report, was quoted   “It’s the most important variable in our carbon
                         by the Financial Post as saying. “We’re looking at  equation, and won’t be easy to balance,” RBC
                         CAD60-80bn [$49-65bn] per year; that’s much  wrote. However, it praised the alliance formed
                         less than we spend on healthcare, for exam-  recently by the country’s five leading oil sands
                         ple. It’s in line with what we aspire to spend on  producers to pursue net-zero emissions through
                         childcare.”                          carbon capture and storage (CCS) and other
                           RBC’s report estimates that transportation  technologies. This alliance would be “critical”
                         would account for the largest proportion of  to Canada’s overall success in reaching net zero,
                         annual spending, with CAD25bn ($20bn)  RBC said, but added that governments would
                         going towards building out electric vehicle  need to match the commitment with additional
                         (EV) infrastructure. The oil and gas industry  investments and favourable regulations.
                         would account for the second-largest amount   The report was released on the same day that
                         of annual spending according to the bank, with  the UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP)
                         CAD13.7bn ($11.1bn) per year required in  annual production gap report found that Can-
                         terms of investment into emissions reductions.  ada was lagging when it came to its decarbon-
                           The bank highlighted the oil sands in particu-  isation goals. The “production gap” the study
                         lar, saying the region was Canada’s single largest  refers to is the difference between planned

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